Dark Brotherhood Silence My Brother

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  • Skyrim Dark Brotherhood Walkthrough: With Friends Like These Quest
  • By chronodev (Ron)
  • Published 02/14/2012
  • Rating:
This quest is unlocked after completing 'Innocence Lost'. Leave Windhelm, and go to one of the inns in any of the cities. A Courier sometimes will catch up with you, has something to deliver for your hands only. He does not know who the note is from, he just saw a creepy fellow, black robes. But he was paid a hefty sum to get the note to you. He gives you the note. The mysterious note as a black paw on it, and underneath it says 'We Know'.
Get a room, and have your character sleep in the bed. You are awaken in a small shack, in front of you is a Dark Brotherhood Assassin named Astrid.
She asks you if you slept well. Ask Astrid what's going on. Where are you, and who she is. She says it does not matter. You're warm, dry and still very much alive. That's more than can be said for old Grelod. Ask here how she knows about that. She says half of Skyrim knows. Old hag gets butchered in her own orphanage. Things like that tend to get around. But don't misunderstand. She is not criticizing. It was a good kill. Old crone had it coming, and you saved a group of Urchins, to boot. But there is a slight problem.
You can reply:
A problem?
I don't think I like where this is going..
(Remain silent)
Choose the first option. She tells you how that little Aretino boy was looking for the Dark Brotherhood, for Astrid and her associates. Grelod the kind was by all rights a Dark Broterhood Contract and you stole the kill. So you need to repay. Ask her if she wants you to murder someone else and who is the next target. She tells you to turn around, you will notice her guests. She has 'collected' them. There is a contract on one of them, and that person cannot leave this room alive. You have to figure one which person it is who has the contract on him or her.
Astrid tells you to make your choice, make your kill. She just wants to observe, and admire. You can respond:
I'll have no part of this insanity
Allright, I'll do it. I'll kill one of them.
(Remain Silent)
Choose to remain silent. She will take this as acceptance. Make your kill, and you settle the debt with the Dark Brotherhood. Repayment of your debt is but a discreet knife thrust away.
Open your quest log:
With Friends Like These
Astrid, of the Dark Brotherhood, informed me that by killing Grelod the Kind, I have robbed her organization of a kill. I have been taken captive and moved to some remote shack. Astrid will only give me the key if I kill someone she has taken captive, to repay my debt.
Your objective now is to kill one of the captives. Speak to them in any order:
Captive #1, Vasha
Vasha is a Khajiit, an obtainer of goods, taker of lives, and defiler of daughters. A real crime lord. Ask her if someone would pay to have her killed. She laughs at you. You can tell her:
Answer me, or I'll paint this room with your blood (INTIMIDATE)
Come on, you can tell me. We're all friends here (PERSUADE)
Try the second choice. Vasha says that every day someone wants to kill her. Release her, and she promises her associates will not hunt you down like an animal and butcher you in the street
Captive #2, Alea Quintus
This woman appears to have anger issues.She keeps threatening you. Ask her if someone would pay to have her killed. Try the PERSUADE on her. She tells you she is a woman living in Skyrim with six children and no husband, she does not have the time or patience to be 'nice', so she had made some enemies.
Captive #3, Fultheim the Fearless
This is a Nord Warrior. He begs you to release him. He tells you that his name is Fultheim. He is a soldier. Well, mercenary really. A sellsword. He has lived in Skyrim all his life. If you ask if someone would pay to have him killed, he cries that he does not want to die. Try intimidating him. He confesses that he killed people as a soldier, when ordered to, and perhaps on occasions he got carried away.
Choose which of the prisoners to kill. There is no right answer, any of them advances the objective. If you are having a hard time deciding, try Vasha, the Khajiit Criminal. Or you can kill them all if you are playing an evil character.
Speak with Astrid. If you ask her who had the contract, she says it is irrelevant. What matters is that she ordered you to kill someone, and you obeyed. Ask her if you are free to go. She says you've repaid your debt in full and gives you the key to the shack. But why stop here? she wants to take this relationship to the next level. She officially extends you an invitation to join her family, the Dark Brotherhood. In the southwest reaches of Skyrim, in the Pine Forest, you'll find the entrance to their Sanctuary. It's just beneath the road, hidden from view. When questioned by the Black Door, answer with the correct passphrase: 'Silence, my brother'. Then you're in. And your new life begins.
Your task now is to enter the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. She gives you the Abandoned Shack Key. You can go out, and head west from Falkreath to reach the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. Activate the Black Door. The guard inside asks you what is the music of life. Tell him the secret passphrase, 'Silcence, my brother'. Enter the Sanctuary and speak to Astrid. She is glad you found the place. You are now part of the family, the Dark Brotherhood. The Sanctuary is the safest place in Skyrim according to Astrid. Ask her what happens now. She tells you that you now will start your new life in the Dark Brotherhood. You can tell her:
I am honored to be a part of your family, Astrid
When do I get to kill someone?
(Remain Silent)
if you ask her about killing someone, she says it will happen soon. She is arranging a job for you, but she needs more time. She wants you for now to go talk to Nazir, he may have smaller contracts to tide you over.
Astrid gives you a welcome home present - the armor of the Dark Brotherhood. She hopes it will serve you well in all your endeavors. You receive for your reward the Shrouded Cowl, Shrouded Gloves, Shrouded Boots, and Shrouded Armor, which are very good armor pieces for an assassin.
This concludes the quest, With Friends Like These..

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Article Series

This article is part 3 of a 7 part series. Other articles in this series are shown below:

    • The Dark Brotherhood Quests; The Dark Brotherhood Quests; Innocence Lost; With Friends Like These. Sanctuary; Mourning Never Comes; Whispers In The Dark; The Silence Has Been Broken; Bound Until.
    • I like the idea and the realisation. Is this mod working when you are already in the middle of the dark brotherhood quest? Because I have to report back to astrid after having the amulet checked in the ratway and I don't have the option to say 'silence my brother' to the black door. I would be thankful for any help.

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    • 2Detailed Walkthrough
    Finish the Dark Brotherhood and rid Skyrim of their kind.
    Quest Giver:Automatic after killing Astrid
    Location(s):Abandoned Shack, Dragon Bridge, Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
    Prerequisite Quest:Failing With Friends Like These..
    Reward:3,000 gold,
    Word for the Marked for Death shout
    Disposition:=3 (Commander Maro)
    Suggested Level:8
    Destroy the Dark Brotherhood!

    Quick Walkthrough[edit]

    1. While in the Abandoned Shack during the quest With Friends Like These.., kill Astrid instead of a hostage.
    2. Travel to any city and talk to a guard.
    3. Speak to Commander Maro in Dragon Bridge southwest of Solitude.
    4. Travel to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary and kill all Dark Brotherhood members inside.
    5. Return to Commander Maro and collect your reward.

    Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

    Complete Innocence Lost by killing Grelod the Kind. When you are kidnapped by the Brotherhood and brought to the Abandoned Shack, kill Astrid instead of a hostage and this quest will begin.

    After Astrid's death, travel to any city and speak to a guard. Inform them that you killed the Dark Brotherhood's leader, and you will be directed to speak to Commander Maro in Dragon Bridge southwest of Solitude. He can be found in the Penitus Oculatus Outpost. Lego pirates of the caribbean cheats ps3 cheat codes.

    After speaking to Commander Maro, you will be given the passphrase ('Silence, my brother') to their hideout and directed to kill everyone inside. He says that you should 'have the honor' of clearing out the place, meaning you'll be going in alone.

    Travel to the Brotherhood Sanctuary and kill everyone inside. It should be relatively simple, as this quest will have them spread out between each room (as opposed to them being gathered and chatting when you first enter as an actual member). Loot what you please: you have access to an Iron Battleaxe of Chills on Arnbjorn, one of the twenty-four 'unusual gems' or Stones of Barenziah needed for the quest No Stone Unturned, the Alteration skill book Sithis, many poisons lying around, four different soul gems, part of the Marked for Death shout, and the Dark Brotherhood armor.


    Return to Commander Maro in Dragon Bridge, and he will be overjoyed and reward you with 3,000 gold, regardless of your level. He will also make sure that the Emperor himself hears of your accomplishments.


    • Astrid has a rather lengthy animation when she jumps off the bookshelf. She is able to be attacked, but will not attack during it, making her quite an easy kill.
    • If you have the Misdirection perk, you can rob Astrid of her gear before you attack her, making her extremely easy to kill.
    • Naturally, beginning this quest forever bars you from joining the Dark Brotherhood. Destroying the Dark Brotherhood prevents access to a number of lucrative quests. It does yield a good amount of valuable loot, though most of it is also available if you join them.
      • In particular, destroying the Brotherhood means you can never gain access to Shadowmere, the Summon Spectral Assassin power, the essentialDark Brotherhood Initiate followers, or the Master trainers for Alchemy and Light Armor, in addition to Cicero's offer of being a follower.
    • Babette, Cicero, and the Night Mother won't be in the sanctuary during the attack.
    • If the player successfully casts calm on a member of the brotherhood, they will offer the same dialogue as if the player had joined the brotherhood, with the exception of Nazir, who will not offer contracts.
    • Either joining the Dark Brotherhood or destroying it will prevent further assassination attempts against you.
    • If they are all together, the members of the Dark Brotherhood are a challenge to fight, so attacking one or two at a time is advised.
    • It is not possible for followers to pass through the black door, meaning they cannot enter the sanctuary with you. However, spectral entities such as Arniel's spirit and the ghostly Dragon Priest (summoned by the Kohnarik mask) will enter with you.


    • The quest may not trigger upon Astrid's death. ?
      • Typing setstage dbdestroy 10 in the console resolves this problem, and starts this quest.
    • You still might not be able to gain entrance to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary after speaking with Commander Maro. ?
    • Completing this quest may prevent the Liberation of Skyrim quest from progressing beyond the Battle for Fort Snowhawk, with Ulfric repeatedly stating that they cannot move on Solitude while Vittoria Vici's wedding is in progress. ?

    Dark Silence Movie

    Quest Stages[edit]

    Destroy the Dark Brotherhood! (DBDestroy)
    StageFinishes QuestJournal Entry
    10I have killed Astrid, the leader of the Dark Brotherhood. I should report her death to a guard.
    Objective 10: Report Astrid's death to a guard
    20I've spoken to a guard about Astrid's death. He told me I should share this information with Commander Maro, in the village of Dragon Bridge.
    30Commander Maro has tasked me with killing every assassin in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary! He has provided me with the pass phrase that will allow me to enter.
    Objective 30: Kill everyone in the Sanctuary!
    40I have killed every assassin in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. I should now report back to Commander Maro.
    200After killing Astrid, the leader of the Dark Brotherhood, I was commissioned by Commander Maro to wipe out the assassins' Sanctuary. I did so, and was rewarded for my efforts. Of course, it will now be impossible for me to join the shadowy organization..
    • The following empty quest stages were omitted from the table: 0, 35, 255.

    Dark Brotherhood Silence My Brother Full

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