Morrowind Overhaul Low Fps

Posted on by admin
Posted by5 years ago

Two, Morrowind's game engine is a grumpy old man with a mild case of dementia. It has no idea what to do with a quad-core CPU and will only use a single CPU core. (The fact that you're overclocking that CPU to 4Ghz is probably why you're seeing at least 35FPS.) I'm not entirely sure it'll use SLI/Crossfire properly. Mar 06, 2015  I've had Morrowind for a year now, but have only played 14 hours of it, because the frames per second I am getting with it make it unplayable. I don't mind the graphics being outdated, but I installed MSGO to see if it helped with the frames, but it didn't. I've tried the FPS Optimizer, the 4GB Patch, the Code Patch, but all to no avail. I've run it in compatibility mode, and set it to only. Morrowind Overhaul - Sound & Graphics. One of the many wonders of playing PC games is that older games look better and better as you upgrade your rig - instead of settling for the vanilla visual.

I'm a little curious about my FPS after installing the Morrowind Overhaul mod. I have no other mods and followed the Installation guide properly.

Morrowind overhaul low frame rate

Morrowind Overhaul Low Fps Download

During the set up I set my PC as 'very powerful' and picked all the highest quality settings. I did this as my PC seemed to be well above the suggested hardware.

Morrowind Overhaul 3.0

I've got: Core i7 930 @4GHz SLI GTX 670's OC'ed 12GB 2000Mhz RAM Watercooled so temps are fine.

But I'm only getting 20-35 FPS. Funny thing is it look alright.. That FPS in Skyrim feels hardly playable to me. What's going on?

Morrowind Overhaul Low Fps 1