Sims 4 Baby Clothes Mods
Updated - The Sims 4: Baby Shower Custom Event Mod! by BrittPinkieSims
This game play mod includes:
Looking for new gameplay for your Sims 4 toddlers? There are already plenty of new objects that you can download. Here are some of my favorites: Functional Toddler Pool Necrodog came up with a brilliant object which comes with new gameplay and animations. Although there isn’t proper swimwear for toddlers that they can wear in.
- New party type: Baby Shower
- Custom “goals” to complete during the baby shower party (see screenshots above, or visit the download link below for more details)
- New base game rewards for bronze, silver, and gold
- Custom buffs associated with throwing a baby shower
- The mod is base game compatible. It doesn’t override anything in your game and should be compatible with all other mods, as I’ve created new files specifically for this custom event type. If anyone is interesting in translating the mod for their language, send me a PM.
You don’t NEED to have my Baby Shower CC for the custom party to work (though there are two items included for special interactions during the party), but it’ll definitely help your baby shower look as nice as possible :)
The Sims 4: Baby Shower Mod (V 1.1)
Hi everyone! As promised, I did some updates to the Baby Shower Mod :) I’ve added some new features (custom interactions!!!), tweaked a few things, and did some bug fixes :)

New features:
Pregnant Sims will now have a custom whim to “Plan a Baby Shower”
The greeting cards and presents have their own interactions now, and result in a special buff/moodlet for pregnant Sims, which will appear during the shower, or even afterwards. All Sims can participate in the interaction, however, only pregnant Sims will gain the moodlet from doing so :) If you have the old presents and gift card package files in your game, delete them. Also, keep in mind that you must have the MOD version only in your game for the interactions to work properly with the mod/party event. If you have the deco version, delete those, as the swatches are the same, anyway.
The tasks which require other Sims to complete (“Ask Due Date”, “Compliment Pregnant Sim”), will only have a chance of occurring once per party, making it easier to get gold if you have no other Sims from your household at the party (just ignore the goals you can’t complete- getting gold will still be possible)
The party time has been increased from 6 to 8 hours
You now must have a minimum of 4 Sims to throw the shower (since some interactions require 3 Sims to complete); you can invite a maximum of 20 Sims.
Bug fixes:
Fixed a bug that wasn’t counting eating/ordering single slices of cake at the Dine Out restaurants towards the “Have Cake” goal
“Have Drinks” will now only come up if you have a bar somewhere on the lot
Updated link
To get the sims 4 mods teen pregnancy you are gonna need two things for this, one is MC command center and the other thing you must download is MC woohoo which is a part of MC Command center. You need to download both and put them in your game.
For any of the above-listed mods downloaded, UnZIP the files and place them into your mod folder. That’s it
Download the sims 4 mods pregnancy
If you have to make this mod work, you have to restart your game while doing this. Put the mods in the Sims 4 MOD folder and open the game. Make sure to save your all work before doing this.
Once you are in the game you need to have a computer. Once you have MC command center installed it will go to MC Command center pop up menu. Click the menu, this will open a pop-up window. Now scroll down and select MC woohoo Actions and you’re going to allow teens and press Enable. Note: A game restart is required for changed settings.
In the computer window press again the MC command center and MC woohoo, and press woohoo pregnancy.
In the woohoo pregnancy you will see a bunch of different options.
- Risky woohoo percent
- Use fertility in risky
- Try for baby percent
- Same-sex pregnancy sim
- Opposite sex pregnancy sim
Choose any of the above options as you desire. For pregnancy mods sims 4 select risky woohoo percent.
You can change the percentage means you have 10 percent chance of getting pregnant, 50 percent of getting pregnant or if you want it to happen all the time. Especially if you are doing a machinima or you are doing some sort of LP. Now go ahead and put 100% and then click okay. Save your game now in the general menu and restart. Now select a bed and press “woohoo with”. select your teen partner name both male and female and let them have fun.
Make sure to dim the light in order for speed up the process. Once your sims are done having FUN go ahead and select the bathroom pregnancy test. And congratulation your sims are expecting someone additional to your household.
Sims 4 Baby Clothes Cc
The sims 4 pregnancy mega mods
This mod allows you to choose different options after your sims have done the woohoo. Click on your sim after she is pregnant and choose pregnancy. You will get additional 4 options Set offering, Set stage, Terminate and Scan. Set of spring allows you to have one child, twins, child, triplets or random children. You can also choose your desired option if you want a boy, girl or random. You can scan your sim now in case you choose randomly to see if it’s a boy or a girl
Pregnancy Mods Sims 4
- Begin Labor – will start Labor immediately.
- First Trimester – will be set the First Trimester of the pregnancy.
- Second Trimester – will be set the Second Trimester of the pregnancy.
- Third Trimester – will be set the Third Trimester of the pregnancy.
- Terminate – stops the pregnancy.
- Scan – shows information about the baby.