Skyrim Lockpick Item Code

It’s probably safe to assume that most people interested will by now have exhausted The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’s many quest lines, become the Dovahkiin, and slain Alduin. If you have, you might now want to delve into the inner workings of Skyrim to use the various console commands on offer to really break things.
Oct 28, 2016 Console Commands and PC Cheat Codes - Skyrim Special Edition. In this guide we have given Skyrim Special Edition cheat codes to unlock the weapons, armors etc. object code - Spawn an item. How to use skyrim console commands lockpick? Usually the list of skyrim console commands lockpick is quite large. The bulk of the game commands is used to control the game. Having been trained, the meaning of each key on your control unit is given. Some of them are used to make technical changes to your game.
We’re not going to list every single console command in Skyrim, because there’s so many that have mundane effects that alter small and relatively insignificant things in the game’s world. Instead, we’ve gathered the console commands and cheats that are most significant, useful, game breaking, and above all else: fun.
How to enter Skyrim console commands
Spine professional and essential license key. Console commands in the PC version of Skyrim are surprisingly easy to enter, but knowing which key on your keyboard layout you use to even access it is the first big hurdle. On a UK keyboard, this is the “grave” key, while the US keyboard has this as the “tilde” key. Regardless of which layout you use though, it’s the button above the TAB key and next to the number 1. This brings up the console command.
There are a few things to note. First and foremost, do this on a new save. If you’re just messing around, you don’t want to permanently damage your save file. Secondly, a lot of the commands require some knowledge of the values assigned to items, perks, NPCs, and more. Should you wish to know the value of a particular perk for example, you can enter “help <Keyword>” without the tags to get a list of all the codes associated with that key word. For example, “help Regeneration” will bring up the values for the regeneration perk and a few items labelled with “regeneration” attached to it.
The really simple and useful Skyrim console commands
Not all of these console commands are created equally, after all they’re console commands that weren’t originally intended for players to use. Still that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some that will benefit you for using. Here are the ones that seem the most useful for those looking to get into the good stuff immediately.
Skyrim Armor Codes
- tgm – Toggles God mode on and off. This grants invincibility to the player and an infinite carrying weight.
- tcl – Toggles No-clip mode on and off. This allows the player to fly and walk through walls.
- kill – Instantly kills anything you are currently targeting.
- resurrect – Resurrects anything you are currently targeting.
- unlock – Unlocks anything that is locked that you are currently targeting.
- setownership – This changes the ownership of a target item or furnishing, thus allowing you to steal or use it with no consequences.
- tdetect – Toggles the AI detection, which can help you avoid getting caught when stealing.
- tai – Toggles the NPC’s Artificial Intelligence, freezes enemies.
- tcai – Toggles the NPC’s Combat Artificial Intelligence, freezes enemies.
- killall – Kill all nearby enemies.
- movetoqt – Teleports player to quest target.
- help – List console commands to aid you.
- help keyword X – Searches the keyword, number is search mode, that’s listed in the “help” commands.
Skyrim’s player console commands
Some of these codes require a little more thought when entering them, requiring a certain value. This value is the difference between having more or less of a particular skill, cash, or modifying the value of your carrying weight limit. In order to make this as simple to understand as possible, whenever you see anything in tags, it refers to a word you put in. Whenever you see #, it’s a numerical value. It’s advisable that before entering any code of this nature that you know what you are looking for. You can use the “help <Keyword>” command to assist you further.
- player.modav carryweight # – Sets the players carry weight to the value depicted in #.
- player.modav burden # – Increases burden by the value depicted in #.
- player.modav Dragonsouls # – Add # Dragon’s Souls to your spending pool which allows the player to improve their shouts.
- player.setav speedmult # – Increases the player’s movement speed, where # is a multiplier. This is a percentage increase.
- player.setav Stamina # – Sets stamina to # value.
- player.setav Health # – Set health to # value.
- player.setcrimegold # – Sets your bounty to #. You can set it to 0 if you want it to be free from hassle.
- player.setav Magicka # – Set Magicka to # value.
- player.setlevel # – Set Level to # value.
- coc “Location” – Teleports you to that location you enter in the quotation marks.
- player.placeatme <NPC ID> – Spawns the NPC ID entered to your location.
- lock # – Lock targeted chests, doors, and NPCs. # is the difficulty level of the lock, the values of which can be from 0 – 100.
- player.additem <Item ID> “#”– Adds items based on Item ID, where XXXXXXXX is the item code. The two below this are good examples of how this command works.
- player.additem 0000000f “#” – Add # Gold to your inventory, can have up to 999.
- player.additem 0000000a “#” – Add # Lockpicks to your inventory.
- [target].getavinfo [attribute] – This displays a short list of information about the given attribute you have specified about a specific target (health, skills, etc.). You can also omit “[target].” if you first click on the target with the mouse. You can also replace it with “player” to look at your own attributes; for example: player.getavinfo lightarmor
- player.setscale # – Changes scale of player. If # is 1, this is the normal value.
- advancepclevel – Increases your Level.
- advancepcskill (skillname) # – Increases the named skill level by #.
- advskill [skill] # – Increases the targeted skill by #.
- player.IncPCS [Skill Name] – Increases the level of targeted Skill by one.
- player.modav [attribute name] [amount] – Applies a modifier (+ or -) to the attribute or skill that is entered in attribute name. Skills are entered as they appear in-game, without spaces or quotes. The two exceptions for this are Speech and Archery, which are “speechcraft” and “marksman” respectively. Attributes are stats like “health” or “carryweight”. These are also entered without spaces or quotes. One note to using the modav command, this will cause attributes modified by it to appear in green. This is because the game thinks they’ve been buffed, which really they have, just artificially.
- player.addperk <PerkID> – This add perks based on perk codes. For example, entering ‘player.addperk 000BE125’ would grant the player the Apprentice Locks perk, or ‘player.addperk 000581F8’ would grant the player the Regeneration perk. The caveat is that you need to ensure your skill level is high enough to have the perk before enabling it, as it may not work as intended.
The game breaking and game altering Skyrim codes
This is where we’re putting the least useful of the codes available. This doesn’t mean that all of them are bad per-se, in fact some of them can lead to some interesting things to look at. However this is also where some of the more game-breaking ones will turn up and you should probably avoid using them.
- player.advlevel – Grants the player a level up, but has no perk points added to your character. Not the preferred way of levelling up.
- saq – Start all quests – This is probably not the best of ideas since overlapping quests can break the game. Proceed with extreme caution.
- qqq – Quits the game.
- tfc – Frees the camera.
- caqs – Complete all Quest Stages.
- tmm,1 – Toggles map markers.
- tm – Toggles the menus and the HUD.
- tfow – Toggles the FOW.
- coc qasmoke – Teleports to testing hall (You’ll have your items, but enchanted items may crash the game).
- removeallitems – Removes all items of targeted NPC and adds them to your own backpack.
- enableplayercontrols – Enable controls during cinematics.
- fov # – Changes field of view to the value indicated by #.
- duplicateallitems – Duplicate items by targeting a container or NPC and copies the RefID.
- setunconscious <#> – Sets the target from conscious to unconscious. If # is “0”, they are unconscious. If # is “1”, they are conscious.
- sexchange – Changes the sex of target NPC, however only the body changes sex and not the head.
- psb – Give all spells to player, but can be known to cause bugs as it also adds test spells.
- showracemenu – This brings up the race selection/character customisation menu, and will reset your character to level 1 and your skills to their base values.
That was a huge chunk of the huge amount of things you can do with the Skyrim console commands. There’s a lot more mundane things you can do like toggling the sky (ts) or the trees (tt), but what’s for certain is that the console commands are definitely something to be tinkered around with.
Gaming communities are developing faster and faster each year. It creates a lot of games that somehow attract our attention. With an interesting gameplay, the clock flows unnoticed. We plunge into the virtual world and try to complete all the missions or defeat all opponents. This is where game commands help us.
How to use skyrim console commands lockpick?
Usually the list of skyrim console commands lockpick is quite large. The bulk of the game commands is used to control the game. Having been trained, the meaning of each key on your control unit is given. Some of them are used to make technical changes to your game. With them you can customize the game to your preferences and desires. Change the character view or camera direction of perception. If you have a weak gaming console, you can optimize resource consumption with the help of special skyrim console commands lockpick. There are also game commands aimed at improving your capabilities in the game. They give you advantages, open hidden abilities or give you endless possibilities. To do this, enter these commands in a special window – the console.
Where can I get acquainted with the existing skyrim console commands lockpick?
To find out what skyrim console commands lockpick are available in the game, you need to first go to the menu, the settings panel. Usually there are all possible functions in the game and the assigned keys for their use. It is certainly difficult to remember them immediately, but you will quickly get comfortable and with time you will no longer have to go there. For true gamers it is not difficult. To change the technical parameters with the help of skyrim console commands lockpick, you will have to go to the official game forum. Usually they are presented there to allow players to optimize their game and immerse themselves in comfortable conditions.
How to change the skyrim console commands lockpick?
To do this, go to the menu, settings panel, select the skyrim console commands lockpick we need and assign a new value to it. Using the keys convenient to us, the process of the game will become even more attractive and cozy. The ability to customize the gameplay for yourself is a very convenient function in games, this indicates the developers concern for gamers. They want to make the game process as comfortable as possible for everyone. Use all the capabilities of game commands to achieve their victories.