Skyrim Sse Npc Overhaul

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Skyrim Sse Npc Overhaul Guide

>>> PLEASE read the description/FAQs first before commenting on any issues whatsosever <<<<
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What is UNO?
Tired of so many of the NPCs in the vanilla game sharing the same hairstyles and looking too generic and alike? Great. I hated it too. So in the end I made this...

UNO aims for a more realistic, lore-friendly overhaul, with far greater variety among all NPC appearances. Even with such, i try to make as much sense for each NPC changed. This mod is inspired and based from Rops1981's original IoS mod, full thanks and credits to him.
Check out the great Inhabitants of Skyrim here.

This mod isn't going to make the elderly folks look like youthful 20-year olds, or make someone look younger than they should be or older than they should be (ok, maybe for a few exceptions), neither randomly throw silly whacky hairstyles on random NPCs. You won't see some strong Nord like Aela looking like a wimpy girl with red lipstick on or an old like Grelod looking like a 20-year old babe. Rich nobles like Betrid and Vittoria will be more well-dressed with stylish hairstyles while the poorer folks and farmers will keep to a more natural appearance. You get the idea.

What this mod aims to do is simple: make all NPCs look good but realistic, look different and most importantly, unlike other NPC mods out there, I intend to be true to the vanilla appearance.
My belief is this:
NPC appearances should still stay true to vanilla appearances (same hair color, same body shape etc.)
NPC appearances should match their voicetypes (commander voicetype -->a rugged appearance, youngeager voicetype ---> a more humble appearance or something etc.)
NPC appearances should match their personalities (brave --> strong appearance, lustful - attractive appearance)
As such, corrections to vanilla appearances have also been made whenever I found unfitting.

What makes this any different from other NPC overhauls?

UNO doesn't just modifies NPCs, it don't just randomly add random haristyles to random NPCs. Whereas other mods overhaul all NPCs on one big scale of randomness and limited hair assets, UNO overhauls each and every NPC consistently. NPCs are overhauled with carefully made appearances tailored and designed to suit each and every one.
To make and develop, having taken years to customize almost each and every NPC in the game individually. Even it means more hairpacks have to be used to get the right appearances for the NPC.
Exclusivity and diversity is the core focus of this mod, with realism second and everything else under that.
With so much more assets this mod depends and uses on, there are now far more variety on the different options to take on all NPCs.
Now your player character is no longer so out-of-place special and different. Because everyone's different. Nearly all 300+ NPCs from the game have been changed very specifically and improved for better diversity and distinguished among one another. For a greater sense of identity, recognition and individuality.

*Before=>Pure vanilla. No custom textures. No modifications

- No more boring repetitive NPC looks. Everyone is completely different now.
- NPCs re-overhauled completely and individually from scratch
- All NPCs have their own exclusive hairs, eyes and style, selectively and carefully chosen for best suitability
- Better facial proportions
- Better facial features for appropriate NPCs (warpaint, scars etc.)
- More varied, individual NPC heights and weights
- Appearances correspond to the NPCs character, environment and personality (miners will still be dirty, warriors will still looked rugged etc.)
- All non-quest NPCs are now protected (patched from NPC Protected Redux)
- NPCs are corrected and modified as truthfully as possible, based on these three main factors:

= Voice-types
= Personality = Background

NOTE: Bandits, Children and the Argonian races are NOT touched in this mod, so mods modifying such NPCs are fully compatible. Look at Compatiblity section for more info.

ApachiiSkyHairs (Main, Female and Male vers)
Lovely Hairstyles
SG Hair 268

Eyes of Beauty
If you want the NPCs to look EXACTLY as shown in the screenshots you will need to download and install the following mods. These mods are NOT required at all however; you can use any other body and skin mods as you wish but appearances will vary accordingly.

Better Males - YoungerFacesMergedWithMenByGeonox
Coverwomen - Look 4 (remove the tintmasks folder)
ApachiiSkyHair naxtural Retexture
Female Facial Animation
Realistic Teeth
UNBLEAK ENB/Grim and Somber ENB


1. UNO alone contains NO assets belonging to any of the above aforementioned mods. Thus,
ALL mods listed are required.

Failure to follow this correctly will result in a CTD at main menu when you try launching the game!!
2. It is advised to start the mod on a new game to avoid possible neck seams.


Well, first of all, it'd be impossible for me to get permission to include all the cosmetics mods done by others into UNO, neither possible to port over each and every NPC as a standalone.
Diversity and exclusivity is the key focus here so the number of hairpacks does not matter.
Because when you have 300+ NPCs being overhauled, it's well more than worth it.



Any mod that edits the stats and values of the same vanilla NPCs will conflict with UNO. You can overcome this by putting my mod's ESP below any other relevant conflicting mods but this will revert whatever previous changes are made by the overwritten mods.

As for other mods that edit the appearances of vanilla NPCs, you CAN get any of such mods to work together. To put it simply,
1. First uninstall any NPC altering mods you already have installed
2. Install U.N.O.
3. Now install back your other NPC mods and choose OK to all overwrites.
4. Put the mod's ESP BELOW UNO - NPC Overhaul.esp
Or just use the BSA format version. Loose files will take priority and make sure the mod you want as overwrite has its ESP below in load order.
This should effectively replace the related UNO files and give first priority to your other NPC mod. Thus, you get the custom NPC appearances from both.
Failure to follow this step correctly, such as sorting the ESPs in a wrong load order or the wrong files getting overwritten, will result in issues like the grey-face 'bug'.
Mods that are OK and compatible:
- Any face/skin texture mods
- Any body mods
- Any mods that add new NPCs

- Follower system overhaul mods (AFT, EFF, UFO etc.)
- Children mods (RS Children, TK Children etc.)
- Enemy overhaul mods (Deadly Combat, Revenge of the Enemies etc.)
- Everything else that doesn't edit vanilla NPCs extensively
NOTE: This is a very large overhaul, which will have a rather wide influence on your game. You may encounter a minor neck-seam issue with some NPCs if you choose to uninstall Ultimate NPC Overhaul on the same savegame. This is caused due to the NPCs' weight being stored in your savegame files and not updated when you remove the mod which makes changes to the NPCs weight.
As such, it is highly advised that youMAKE A BACKUP SAVE BEFORE INSTALLING THIS MOD.

I don't like this/that NPC in the screenshot!!
Keep in mind NPCs in screenshots are taken using the recommended mods as mentioned above. Your NPC appearances will NOT look like that if you are using a different skin texture for female or male. If you're not using any male textures, your male NPCs will still look rugged or whatever.
So don't judge by screenshots alone and if you're not going to try the mod at all, then just ignore it.
100 to 200? Why keep jumping between big version numbers?
Because... I like big numbers.
Will there be a non-USLEEP version?
Removing master dependencies is a tricky thing. When a mod has this many dependencies, removing one will easily corrupt the references. Maybe one day this can be sorted out or maybe never. Unfortunately, I don't have the time any longer to be in the modding scene. Anyone capable of making a non-USKP vers can feel free to do so.
Why are all NPCs protected?
Only non-quest NPCs are protected to avoid disrupting any quests. The mod was atop Blattgeist's NPC Protected Redux so it's too late to change things as it is now, but any patch for an unprotected version is welcomed. Why would you want to kill these precious innocent NPCs for anyway? You psycho.
I'm getting the grey face bug on NPCs?
That's more than likely a mod conflict than anything else I can think of. Or if not, the other cause would be some corruption in the file contents or ESP if you tried editing it in CK.
If you're still having the problem, try this fix:
- Uninstall any other conflicting NPC mods you're using.
- Manually delete ALL files in your Data/meshes/facegendata/skyrim.esm folder and Data/textures/facegendata/facetint/skyrim.esm folder. Or just delete both skyrim.esm folders. Make sure both of the folders are GONE.
- Then do a complete reinstall of this mod and overwrite the ESP if asked.
- After that, put the mod's .ESP at the very bottom
of your load order
I'm getting CTDs on start-up, after Bethesda Logo?
You're missing a Master file, a.k.a one of the required mods.
I'm stuck at the 'Imperial Logo' start-up but without main menu?
You're using a wrong or outdated version of a Master File, a.k.a one of the required mods. You can check in TE5EDIT if for what errors are involved.
Do I really need to start a new game for U.N.O. to work?
You can still install it on an existing savegame at your own discretion. The way the game works is like this: only data from NPCs that you have encountered will be stored in that savegame. So if you're still early in-game, it should be mostly fine.
Some NPCs had their weights changed from the vanilla game so this is just as a precaution unless you don't mind NPCs with black lines around their necks.

I like some of the NPCs overhauled but I dislike some others.

It's impossible to please everybody unfortunately, so it all comes down to acceptance and choice. If there's one or two NPCs you prefer to keep vanilla, you have to use TES5EDIT to delete the NPC entry from the mod. Then delete the NPC's meshes and textures facegen files (look for the baseID).

I don't like any of the new NPCs. I don't like this at all! What should I do?

Don't download the mod then.

CREDITS: (apologies if any name mentions are missed out)
To Robs1981 for permission to use his great Inhabitants of Skyrim
To Blattgeist for NPC Protected Redux
To apachii for ApachiiSkyHair
To HelloSanta for SG Hair. Including NewseaSIMs creators: anNewseaSims, Cazy, Raonjena, PeggyZone, Rosesims, Skysims, Butterflysims, Nightcrawler, Coolsims, Kewai-dou, Alesso and other minor contributers.
To Shocky, Stealthic Khaos and Kalilies for KS Hairdos
To the USKP team for their fixes in Unofficial Patch
To LogRaam for Eyes of Beauty
To blattgeist for NPCs Protected Redux
To Bethesda for Skyrim

Skyrim Se Npc Face Overhaul


Skyrim Se Npc Overhauls

THIS IS NOT MY CREATION. I just ported it to sse. All credit for the original mod goes to Rops1981. This was ported with his permission. ALL unofficial patch changes have been forwarded. The mod has been updated and cleaned to fit nicely with SSE.

This mod covers many many more NPCs than are listed in the pictures. You can also layer other mods on top of it, as it is loose files. So for those of you who use such mods as bijin AIO, this plays very well with it.

This mod aims to improve the facial morphology of unique NPCs. With a few exceptions, I tried to keep their essence while making them prettier. About 80% of the NPCs I have modified kept the same eyes, nose and mouth. In most cases I simply changed the distance between these facial features and I modified the overall shape of the face (jaw, chin & cheekbones). Some wrinkles were also removed when I deemed appropriate. I’ve also modified the facial dirt by removing it completely or by toning it down – However, miners, smithies, prisoners and a few farmers still have dirt on their faces.
This mod does NOT modify the followers, the children, the DLCs and the generic NPCs such as bandits, soldiers, ennemies etc.
Version 2
Aims to improve the facial morphology of unique male and female NPCs and adds ApahiiSkyHair to females only. I kept vanilla hair for the orcs. This version requires the following files.
- ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_5_Full or higher
- ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_3 or higher
Manual Installation
1. First, install the required files from ApachiiSkyHair by following the instructions on her page (for versions 1 & 2 only).
2. Extract the files to a temporary location.
3. Copy/paste all the files into your Skyrim data folder. Normaly: Steam/SteamApps/common/Skyrim/Data
4. Launch Skyrim and before you click on 'Play' click on 'Data Files' and make sure that the plug-in is checked and move it to the bottom of the list.
5. Play the game.
With NMM
For Nexus Mod Manager simply click the “Download with Manager” button and activate the mod to initialize the installer. Make sure to move it at the bottom of the load order or below other mods like UFO.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: A lot of NPCs appear to have their vanilla look.
A: If you are using the Unofficial Skyrim Patch or another mod that change the NPCs in any way those NPCs will be overwritten to their original look. If someone would help me to create a patch for USKP I would greatly appreciate it.
Q: Why some Apachii hair are floating above the NPCs chest or clipping with the clothes/armor they wear?
A: Depending on which body mods you are using (e.i. CBBE, UNP etc.) the body shape and size will vary and it may cause a few floating hair or body clipping.
Q: I experience CTDs when I install Inhabitants of Skyrim.
A: Inhabitants of Skyrim does not contain dirty or wild edits. The only things I can think of are that your PC cannot handle version 1 or 2 with ApachiiSkyHair, you’ve installed version 1 or 2 without installing the required mods or there is a major incompatibility with another mod. Try version 3 without ApachiiSkyHair or try uninstalling other mods to find the incompatibility.
Q: Is this mod compatible with Ethereal Elven Overhaol (EEO)?
A: Since both mods are changing elf NPCs they will directly conflict. Depending on the load order one mod will overwrite the other. I use both mods without issues.
Inhabitants of Skyrim will conflict with other mods that are changing the same NPCs in any way. This means that it will conflict with mods that are changing the stats, clothes, scripts etc. If IoS is loaded before another mod that changes the same NPCs they will most likely revert to their vanilla look. Try to find which mod is changing the NPCs and load Inhabitants of Skyrim after. I personally use this with Bijin NPCs All in One with no problem. Just load that after this mod. And if you use MO2, you must have Bijin lower on the main pane as well or you will get a black face bug.

Skyrim NPC and creature mods. Skyrim weapon and armour mods. Skyrim combat and magic mods. Skyrim town mods. Skyrim quest and overhaul mods. Skyrim character customisation mods. Skyrim UI mods. Skyrim survival mods. Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11.