Win 10 No Internet Secured

Posted on by admin

I was having some network problems and in the course of fixing them I uninstalled the network driver for my TP-Link AC600 Archer T2UH USB network card. This card has been working without a problem for months on 2.4 and 5Ghz channels and at high speeds > 150Mbps.
When I attempted to reinstall the drivers, I can get connected to the WiFi but I get the Windows 10 message 'Secured, no internet
I have tried numerous drivers and I have now tried to connect using two separate NIC cards. (I had an old 802.11n usb adapter) as well as a 5Ghz wireless bridge that I used to use that connects to the PC via ethernet. All of these have connected to the network, but I get the same 'Secured, no internet' message.
The only thing I can think of at this point is that I've somehow screwed up the adapter. I've looked at that ipv4 settings are they are all set to 'Obtain an ip address automatically' and do not have a DNS name specified. I have attempted all the windows repair options as well and they return telling me their may be something wrong with the driver or the adapter. I'm at wits end. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I've just upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 8.1, but after upgrading I can't connect to the internet. I select my wifi network and click 'Connect'. Even though it says it's connected I cannot open any page and the troubleshoot helper says that I'm not connected to any network.

Connected to WiFI but No Internet in Windows 10. If you are connected to the WiFi network and your internet is working on other devices, but not on your Windows 10 PC. This is probably a misconfigured IP issue or an adapter problem which can be fixed.

Has anyone experienced this?

No Internet Secured Issue

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2 Answers

Make sure the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols are enabled:

  • Go to Advanced Network settings
  • Go to Network and Sharing Centre
  • Go to Change Adapter Settings

  • Select Properties for the Wifi Adapter (right-click your connection):

  • Make sure the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols are selected

I also couldn't connect to internet after upgrading and found that these had been disabled. Once enabled you should be able to connect.

27.2k10 gold badges65 silver badges107 bronze badges

After sleepless weekend got rid of this problem. It is Bitdefender TS in my case. Uninstalled it and Internet came back in a flash. Also updated all drivers for my Mobo Gigabyte D3H B85M from official site to Windows 10. Re-install latest version of Bitdefender TS. All fine now. Thank God.


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