Monster Hunter World Best Sword And Shield

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  1. Monster Hunter World Best Sword And Shield Weapon
  2. Monster Hunter World Best Sword And Shield Armor
  3. World Best Wallpapers

Launching in the air is a hoot.

Credit: Monster Hunter/YouTube

Why I like the Sword and Shield

It’s fast. The Sword and Shield is the second fastest weapon in the game after the Dual Blades. You don’t do a lot of damage with each hit, but you get a lot of hits without being hindered by long attack animations. Speed is especially useful when your hits impart status effects or you’re using an elemental weapon against a vulnerable monster. The speed factor also lets you evade more quickly.

Its combos are relatively simple and straightforward. I’ve never been a fan of fighting games that ask you to remember long sequences of random button presses. I forget the combo, I hit the wrong button, I yell at the controller (it’s always the controller’s fault). I die. A lot. Combos for the Sword and Shield are easy to remember and execute. The main slash and bash attacks are just three presses of the same button. The most complicated move is a mid-combo trigger-plus-button combination that launches you into the air when it hits. Launching into the air is fun and you have a couple of single-button damage options when you come down. It's a blast when you hit it.

It gives you some defense. The shield doesn’t provide a lot of defense, but some is better than none. It’s very useful when you come across a new monster because you can protect yourself while you’re learning its moves.

Addons for wow that show damage on screen door. Quaffing a potion without sheathing your sword.

Credit: Monster Hunter/YouTube

Why I really like the Sword and Shield

You never have to sheath your weapon during a fight. I love this.

Potions and items. You don’t have to sheath your weapon to use potions and items. The Sword and Shield is the only weapon that can do this and it’s a godsend. Sword and Shield combat can be up close, personal and frenetic. In the midst of the chaos, you can down a potion or use an item with your sword unsheathed as long as you’re pressing either the left or right triggers. The split seconds it saves can save your life and there’s no more sheathed/unsheathed madness because your fingers are faster than your awareness of where your weapon is.

The Slinger. You also don’t have to sheath your weapon to use the Slinger. When I first started to play Monster Hunter World, I ignored the Slinger. Throw rocks at these behemoths? Pfff. Then I met the mud-encased Barroth and Jyuratodus in the Wildspire Waste and realized I could strip away their mud armor by slinging Watermoss at them. HaHa, time to die, beasts. Since then I’ve discovered many ways to attack monsters with the Slinger. You have to have the right ammo loaded but if you’ve done your research, that shouldn’t be a problem.

Hitching a ride with the Slinger to chase a running monster down.

Credit: Monster Hunter/YouTube

Two armor skills that work well with the Sword and Shield

Guard. Reduces knockbacks and stamina depletion when guarding. You do a lot of guarding with the Sword and Shield, and stopping a knockback when you're drinking a potion can save your life. Guard has five levels.

Slinger capacity. Increases the loading capacity for slinger ammo obtained in the field. The Slinger combines with the Sword and Shield better than with any other weapon and extra ammo is always a good thing. Slinger capacity has three levels each of which increases capacity for a different class of ammo.

Monster Hunter World Best Sword And Shield Weapon


Weak hits. Although you hit frequently, each hit doesn’t do a lot of damage.

Weak blocks. Blocking is often more essential to survival than with other weapons, but the damage blocked is also less.

Sharpening. You have to sharpen your weapon more frequently because you hit with it so often.

Monster Hunter World Best Sword And Shield Armor

Short range weapon. The sword has a short reach and Sword and Shield warriors benefit from constantly attacking their target. It’s easy to lose sight of where the vulnerable bits are when you’re that close and the monsters are as big as they are. It’s also easy to lose track of where you are because you find yourself attacking from inside the monster as a result of Monster Hunter World’s clipping problems.


Putting it all together

The sword, the shield and the Slinger give the Sword and Shield warrior defense and both melee and ranged attacks. It’s versatile.

Its versatility combined with its attack speed, short combat animations and the ability to use the Slinger without sheathing the sword mean you can instantly respond to any situation that develops during combat. It’s flexible.

The combination of evasion speed, short combat animations, the shield and the ability to quaff potions with the sword unsheathed keep you alive. It’s got good survivability.

World Best Wallpapers

Versatility, flexibility and survivability make the Sword and Shield the most well-rounded weapon in the game. If you like fast-paced gameplay and having offensive and defensive capabilities at your fingertips without having to fiddle around with switching weapons in and out, give the Sword and Shield a try.


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Monster hunter world pc best sword and shield
Posted by1 year ago

I like the Xeno'jiiva for having 15% affinity while also having decent raw attack as well as 2 level 3 jewel slots. Shame it looks like crap, though.

Master Bang is nice (and looks nice) for raw attack and a defense bonus along with one level 3 jewel slot. I like to run elementless jewels with this if I have no free elem on. Though it might not be a great weapon this way since SnS is supposed to be good for status/elemental damage?

Monster Hunter World Best Sword And Shield

As for looks, Teostra's Emblem looks amazing. No jewel slots though really sucks. Don't like that :

Malady's Tabar seems cool. That attack power is pretty low though. I'm always iffy on status effects on weapons since it seems like eventually, the monster has become too resistent to the point where it feels like my weapon has become useless if it has low attack.

I'm also looking for advice on an SnS to use.