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Naturais veganos A alimentao apenas um dos aspectos de uma vida vegana. A explorao animal tambm est presente nos produtos de limpeza, cosmticos, medicamentos, entretenimento, vesturio e, quando nos tornamos vegans, temos a oportunidade de repensar a nossa relao com a indstria, com o meio ambiente e com o nosso corpo. 100% Vegan Brushes & Tools. How to make smoked longganisa. Some makeup brush brands claim to be “cruelty-free” yet use natural animal hair bristles for their brushes. Although companies claim this process is done in a cruelty-free manner and the animals are not harmed, we do not support the practice of taking an animals’ fur in order to make makeup brushes. Download national electrical code handbook 2014 ebook free in PDF and EPUB Format. National electrical code handbook 2014 also available in docx and mobi. Read national electrical code handbook 2014 online, read in mobile or Kindle.
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ISBN: 9781455905447
Size: 11,84 MB
Format: PDF, Kindle
Read: 569
National Electrical Code 2005 Handbook
Editor: Delmar Pub
ISBN: 9780877656258
Size: 14,21 MB
Format: PDF, Docs
Read: 149
Produced by the NFPA, the popular National Electrical Code 2005 Handbook contains the complete text of the 2005 edition of the NEC supplemented by helpful facts and figures, full-color illustrations, real-world examples and expert commentary. An essential reference for students and professionals, this Handbook is the equivalent of an annotated edition of the 2005 NEC that offers insights into new and more difficult articles in order to guide users to success in interpreting and applying current Code requirements to all types of electrical installations. A valuable information resource for anyone involved in electrical design, installation and inspection, the NEC 2005 Handbook is updated every three years and provides 100% of the information needed to meet Code and avoid costly errors. Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning is pleased to make this one-of-a-kind reference - containing the most widely accepted and most frequently used criteria for electrical installations in the U.S. - available directly from us for our customers who work in and around the electrical trades. It may be used independently and also makes an excellent companion to books in Delmar's best-selling electrical wiring series.
Editor: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071834796
Size: 18,46 MB
Format: PDF, Kindle
Read: 446
The Definitive Guide to the 2014 NEC Completely revised and expanded to reflect changes in the 2014 NEC, McGraw-Hill's National Electrical Code® 2014 Handbook, 28th Edition presents the trusted advice and analysis you need to accurately interpret 2014 NEC rules. In-depth coverage of the background and rationale for specific Code rules enhances your understanding of the meaning and application of those rules. This practical resource also points out important matters of discussion with inspectors. Designed as a must-have companion to the 2014 NEC book published by the National Fire Protection Association, this comprehensive volume features more than 1,000 detailed diagrams and photos. The authoritative information and insight contained in this on-the-job reference will help your work pass inspection the first time. This book doesn't duplicate the text of the NEC. Instead, it is entirely comprised of explanatory text, specifically addressing every single code article, providing the most analytical content available. Because this book is published completely independently from NFPA, it is free to--and frequently does--offer detailed analysis of technically questionable and editorially convoluted provisions in the NEC, along with strategies for discussing those issues in advance with owners and inspectors before financial commitments are made. Covers all significant changes in the 2014 NEC, including: Low Voltage Direct Current Distribution Systems (new Article 393) Modular Data Centers (new Article 646) Fire Resistive Cable Systems (new Article 728) Energy Management Systems (new Article 750) Global changes to hazard warning labels and centralization of rules for lockout mechanisms, along with extensive increases of permitted utilization voltage from 600 to 1000 Coverage throughout the NEC® of DC systems due to expanding usage Critical expansion of both requirements for and acceptable strategies to provide AFCI protection
Nfpa Handbook Of The National Electrical Code
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Editor: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071800662
Size: 13,25 MB
Format: PDF, Mobi
Read: 738
The most complete guide to the grounding and earthing requirements of the 2014 National Electrical Code “If you are responsible for delivering power, or if you just want to know what’s going on beneath your feet, read these pages; ground your circuit as Stockin suggests, and you can close the master switch with confidence.” —Bill Nye, “The Science Guy” “David Stockin’s book develops a clear understanding of Code requirements through extensive use of illustrations and clear text.” —David Brender, P.E., Code-Making Panel NO. 5 member “Stockin adds his own experiences to the fundamentals of NEC 250, allowing readers to visualize practical applications of routine rules in a new and novel way.” —Travis Lindsey McGraw-Hill’s National Electrical Code 2014 Grounding and Earthing Handbook fully addresses the above-grade grounding and below-grade earthing issues related to Article 250 of the 2014 National Electrical Code. This practical guide features in-depth discussions of each of the Code’s requirements, section by section, along with clear explanations and real-world examples. For ease of reference, a separate chapter calls out all of the changes introduced to Article 250 of the 2014 NEC. Information on the Canadian Electrical Code is also provided. A helpful question-and-answer chapter covers common on-the-job topics, and more than 100 detailed diagrams illustrate the information presented in this authoritative resource. Coverage includes: Summary of grounding and earthing requirements in the 2014 NEC Zone of influence Grounding electrodes System design and planning Soil resistivity testing Testing of existing grounding systems Ground potential rise Step and touch voltage hazards Effects of lightning on grounding systems Standards for lightning protection systems Economic considerations System grounding Grounding electrode system and grounding electrode conductor Enclosure, raceway, and service cable connections Bonding Equipment grounding and equipment-grounding conductors Methods of equipment grounding Direct-current systems Instruments, meters, and relays Grounding of systems and circuits of over 1000 volts Swimming pools, fountains, and similar installations

National Electrical Code Costbook 2015
Editor: Builder's Book Incorporated
ISBN: 9781557018380
Size: 17,42 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Docs
Read: 489
From residential remodeling to new commercial construction, the National Electrical Code Costbook has it all. It puts at your fingertips a wealth of accurate, up-to-date cost data that makes it easier than ever to estimate the cost of electrical work. The National Electrical Code Costbook 2015 provides detailed cost data for a wide range of electrical components including wireways, conduit, boxes, conductors, cabling, utility poles and fittings, transformers, safety switches, panelboards and much more. All data in the 2015 NEC Costbook is arranged in the CSI MasterFormat to ensure you find exactly what you need and that nothing gets overlooked or left to chance. The NEC Costbook also includes man-hour values for estimating productivity and job-completion times, references to the NEC Handbook, and hundreds of regional cost modifiers for adjusting your estimates to the city you're working in.
Editor: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1629141046
Size: 20,92 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Mobi
Read: 954
Written by the U.S. Department of Labor, the Occupational Outlook Handbook 2014–2015 is designed to provide valuable, up-to-date assistance to individuals making decisions about their futures. Accompanying each profession are descriptions of the nature of the work, work environment, and the required qualifications, training, and education, as well as job earnings, related occupations. The book includes details on more than 250 occupations—that’s 90 percent of the jobs available in the United States. It also includes job search methods and job outlook. Keep up in the scramble to stay afloat in the waning job market by staying informed as you plan your training and career.
National Electrical Safety Code Nesc 2012 Handbook
Editor: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071766863
Size: 20,68 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Docs
Read: 601
Achieve full 2012 NESC compliance with this hands-on guide Designed to be used alongside the Code itself, McGraw-Hill's National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) 2012 Handbook provides a rule-by-rule annotation of the NESC that clarifies potentially confusing Code text and allows you to perform your work safely and confidently. This step-by-step guide explains how to apply and meet the NESC rules for electrical supply stations and equipment, as well as overhead and underground electric supply and communications lines. Hundreds of illustrations and photos, practical examples, and concise language regarding complicated and controversial issues are included in this expert resource. COVERAGE INCLUDES: GENERAL SECTIONS Application * definitions * grounding methods RULES FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRIC SUPPLY STATIONS AND EQUIPMENT Protective arrangements * working space * rotating equipment * batteries * transformers * regulators * conductors * circuit breakers * switchgear * surge arresters SAFETY RULES FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF OVERHEAD ELECTRIC SUPPLY AND COMMUNICATION LINES Classes of lines and equipment * clearances * grades of construction * loadings * strength requirements * line insulation SAFETY RULES FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SUPPLY AND COMMUNICATION LINES Underground circuit systems * supply cable * cable in underground structures * direct-buried cable * cable in duct * risers * terminations * equipment * installation in tunnels WORK RULES FOR THE OPERATION OF ELECTRIC SUPPLY AND COMMUNICATIONS LINES AND EQUIPMENT Employer and employee rules * OSHA requirements
Recetas Cosmetica Natural Vegan Pdf Printable
Editor: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071745688
Size: 19,12 MB
Format: PDF, Kindle
Read: 400
The Most Complete Guide to the 2011 NEC Thoroughly revised and expanded with hundreds of pages of new material to reflect changes in the 2011 NEC, McGraw-Hill’s National Electrical Code 2011 Handbook, 27th Edition provides authoritative guidance and analysis to help you accurately interpret 2011 NEC rules. Co-author and working electrician, Frederic P. Hartwell, who has participated in the NEC process for almost thirty years, describes problems and difficulties in NEC provisions from an unbiased and practical perspective. It does not duplicate NEC text and tables within its covers. Designed as an essential companion to the 2011 NEC, it contains over one-third more explanatory material and more than 1000 diagrams and photos within its convenient 6 x 9 inch format. Details on the background and rationale for specific code rules facilitate an in-depth understanding of the meaning and application of those rules. This must-have on-the-job reference helps your work pass inspection the first time.
Ashrae Handbook Of Heating Ventilating And Air Conditioner Applications Mark S Owen 2015
Editor: Bukupedia
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ASHRAE Research: Improving the Quality of Life ASHRAE is the world’s foremost technical society in the fields of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration. Its members worldwide are individuals who share ideas, identify needs, support research, and write the industry’s standards for testing and practice. The result is that engineers are better able to keep indoor environments safe and productive while protecting and preserving the outdoors for generations to come. One of the ways that ASHRAE supports its members’ and industry’s need for information is through ASHRAE Research. Thousands of individuals and companies support ASHRAE Research annually, enabling ASHRAE to report new data about material properties and building physics and to promote the application of innovative technologies. Chapters in the ASHRAE Handbook are updated through the experience of members of ASHRAE Technical Committees and through results of ASHRAE Research reported at ASHRAE conferences and published in ASHRAE special publications, ASHRAE Transactions, and ASHRAE’s journal of archival research, Science and Technology for the Built Environment. For information about ASHRAE Research or to become a member, contact ASHRAE, 1791 Tullie Circle, Atlanta, GA 30329; telephone: 404-636-8400; Preface The 2015 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications comprises more than 60 chapters covering a broad range of facilities and topics, written to help engineers design and use equipment and systems described in other Handbook volumes. Main sections cover comfort, industrial, energy-related, general applications, and building operations and management. ASHRAE Technical Committees in each subject area have reviewed all chapters and revised them as needed for current technology and design practice. An accompanying CD-ROM contains all the volume’s chapters in both I-P and SI units. This edition includes two new chapters: • Chapter 61, Smart Building Systems, covers smart systems and technologies for automated fault detection and diagnostics, sensors, and actuators, and the emerging modernized electric power grid and its relationship to buildings and facilities. • Chapter 62, Moisture Management in Buildings, addresses avoiding or reducing risks associated with damp buildings, with suggestions for architectural and HVAC system design, operation, and occupancy. Other selected highlights include the following: • Chapter 1, Residences, has updated guidance on duct system design and communicating control systems. • Chapter 4, Tall Buildings, has new content on supertall and megatall buildings; improved stack effect discussion and calculations; and new information on chilled beams, code references, split central plants, and elevator shaft pressurization. • Chapter 7, Educational Facilities, provides new design criteria updated for current standards, a new section on energy measurement and verification, and a newly compiled list of case studies from ASHRAE Journal. • Chapter 8, Health Care Facilities, has been extensively revised to ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2013, with new content on regulatory resources, hospital-acquired infections, sustainability, and operations, and expanded text on control measures, outpatient care, isolation and bronchoscopy rooms, plus research results from RP-1343 on heat gain from imaging systems. • Chapter 16, Laboratories, includes updates on applying usage factors, pressurization control, and energy efficiency measures. • Chapter 18, Clean Spaces, has extensive new content on demand control, computational fluid dynamics analysis, pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities, safety, environmental systems, installation and testing, and sustainability and energy conservation. • Chapter 19, Data Centers and Telecommunication Facilities, has been completely rewritten for current best practices as in the ASHRAE Datacom Series. • Chapter 33, Kitchen Ventilation, was updated for the latest revisions to relevant standards, with new sections added on commissioning and the design process (for the first-time designer), and the chapter content restructured to reflect the sequence of the design process. • Chapter 34, Geothermal Energy, has significant new content and examples on ground-coupled heat pump systems design, hybrid ground-source heat pumps, piping, pressure considerations, purging, deep boreholes, central plants, open-loop/surface-water direct cooling, and simulation. • Chapter 35, Solar Energy Use, has revised examples and figures, plus new content on solar-combi systems; design, control, and operation of solar cooling; and grid-connected photovoltaic systems. • Chapter 49, Water Treatment, has major revisions on corrosion, deposition, microbiological growth and control, filtration and closed-loop systems, alternative water sources, Legionnaires’ disease, thermal storage, and steam boiler systems. • Chapter 50, Service Water Heating, describes new technologies for hot-water generation and distribution and reducing consumption at end-use fixtures. • Chapter 53, Fire and Smoke Control, has been revised to align with ASHRAE’s Handbook of Smoke Control Engineering, with many new figures and examples. This volume is published, as a bound print volume and in electronic format on CD-ROM and online, in two editions: one using inch-pound (I-P) units of measurement, the other using the International System of Units (SI). Corrections to the 2012, 2013, and 2014 Handbook volumes can be found on the ASHRAE web site at and in the Additions and Corrections section of this volume. Corrections for this volume will be listed in subsequent volumes and on the ASHRAE web site. Reader comments are enthusiastically invited. To suggest improvements for a chapter, please comment using the form on the ASHRAE web site or, using the cutout page(s) at the end of this volume’s index, write to Handbook Editor, ASHRAE, 1791 Tullie Circle, Atlanta, GA 30329, or fax 678-539-2187, or e-mail [email protected] Mark S. Owen Editor