Scooby Doo Legend Of The Phantosaur Torrent

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  • Scooby Doo: Legend of the Phantosaur Now On DVD And Blu-ray A relaxing spa getaway evolves into a prehistoric panic when Scooby-Doo and the gang uncover the horrible Phantosaur, an ancient legend come to life to protect hidden treasures buried in secret desert caves.
  • Watch Scooby-Doo! Legend of the Phantosaur Online. Legend of the phantosaur full movie with English subtitle. Stars: Matthew Gray Gubler, Cathy Cavadini, Matthew Lillard, John Dimaggio, Frank Welker, Mindy Cohn, Michael Gough, Grey DeLisle.

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Legend of the Phantosaur', or any other Scooby-Doo movie for that matter. The The voice acting in the movie was quite good, as it usually is in the Scooby-Doo animated movies. Watu gong semarang makalgh. And it is always a treat to have Frank Welker and Matthew Lillard to do the voices for Shaggy and Scooby-Doo.

Scooby-DoomeetsJurassic Park

The sixteenth Scooby-Doo Direct to Video film. With Dinosaurs!

When it is discovered that Shaggy has a condition that causes a Heroic BSoD with every scare, the gang decides to take him somewhere relaxing, La Serena Spa, the least haunted town on Earth. Of course, it would be boring if nothing happened but relaxation, so a giant ghost dinosaur is thrown in to shake things up. This strikes Shaggy into one of his break downs, so Mr. Hubbley, the owner of the spa, decides to take matters into his own hands with a little bit of hypnotism. Every time Shaggy hears the keyword, he is filled with uncontrollable bravery. The only problem is, Mr. Hubbley forgets the keyword. And to make matters worse, Shaggy accidentally hears it and goes all out on a biker gang at a G-Rated Pub, and agrees to race their leader on a motorcycle down Dead Man's Curve while he's brave.


This film provides examples of the following tropes:

  • Accidental Misnaming: Mr. Hubley often gets Shaggy's name wrong, calling him Scabby, Spanky, Saggy, Snacky and Snappy, in that order. He finally remembers his name when un-hypnotizing him at the end of the film. He also calls Fred 'Frank', Daphne 'Dani', and Velma 'Veronica'
  • Acid-Trip Dimension: A rather trippy one occurs while Mr. Hubley is hypnotizing Shaggy.
  • Artistic License – Paleontology: HornedVelociraptors with scaly skin. Well, at least they were just costumes.
    • It gets worse; namely when Velma identifies the skeleton of a 20-foot-long theropod as a JUVENILE Dilophosaurus. And Windsor, a PALEONTOLOGIST, only corrects her about a mistake about its finger bones.
    • Dr. Svankmajer identifies a bone as belonging to Massospondylus.. when the bone is question is larger than the entire animal.
    • Velma identifies the supposed Velociraptor tracks as belonging to 'Dromosaurus theopod, of the Mongoline species' which is.. complete and utter gibberish.
    • Advertisement:
    • The Allosaurus preserved in crystal (itself a bizarre example of this) is HUGE, looking more like a Saurophaganax. It's also missing its brow horns in a few shots and has pronated wrists.
  • Badass Bookworm: As it turns out, Winsor's computer animation classes came in handy when it came to creating the Phantosaur.
  • Bad-Guy Bar: Full of angry bikers, no less. Doesn't stop Shaggy from wiping the floor with them.
  • Better Than a Bare Bulb: Like the two before it, this movie is very lampshade heavy and full of gags while still playing the Scooby-Doo formula and characters straight, making it (and the other movies) a kind of Reconstruction.
  • Big Eater: Shaggy and Scooby just wouldn't be Shaggy and Scooby without voracious appetites.
  • Biker Babe: In this movie, we learn that Daphne is one. She's had experience driving motorcycles ever since she was a young girl.
    Fred: Isn't it illegal for a five-year old to ride a motorcycle?
    Daphne: Yeah, but how was I supposed to know? I was only five.
  • Black Bead Eyes: Everybody. At one point, Velma says that she thinks Winsor's eyes are the color of sea foam green by moonlight. Cue a picture of Winsor on Velma's phone with black eyes.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Mr. Hubley. For one, he mistakes the food replicas Scooby and Shaggy make of themselves for the real Scooby and Shaggy.
  • The Comically Serious: Shaggy becomes this whenever he's in Badass mode. No, his iconic nasally, puberty-crack voice does not change when delivering lines like the following:
    Shaggy:(to the biker threatening him)This can go two ways, punk. One: you walk away. Two: I walk on your face.
  • Comically Missing the Point: The doctor forbids Shaggy to get into the Mystery Machine. So what does Fred do? He paints over the letters to create the Mustard Machine.
  • Continuity Nod: Freddy's Jerkass GPS returns from Abracadabra Doo. This time he gets them to where they want to go without nearly getting them killed.
  • Covers Always Lie: I didn't know the Phantosaur drooled green.. Or is that..? Ew!
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: As Fred points out in the movie, hypnosis can't make a person do something they wouldn't (or couldn't) do without it, meaning Shaggy is fully capable of wiping the floor with a biker gang, he's just usually too frightened and peace-loving to fight back normally.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Shaggy vs. bar full of bikers. Poor bastards never had a chance.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Daphne, somewhat surprisingly. Velma in some moments, though she spends a lot of the movie too lovestruck to make quips.
    Freddy: 'I think we may have this one wrapped up!'
    Daphne: ' Not yet. You still haven't caught anyone in a net.'
  • Dinosaurs Are Dragons: The Fiery Phantosaur breathes fire. Also, the velociraptors have horns.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Velma and Winsor both state that they dislike salmon eggs.
  • Everything's Better with Dinosaurs: Ghost dinosaurs, no less.
  • Fanservice Cover: Pretty women in bikinis appear on the La Serena Spa pamphlet.
  • Fish Eyes: Shakey Joe has weird-looking eyes that aren't looking in the same direction.
  • Distaff Counterpart: Seriously, would you believe Winsor is not part of Velma's family tree?
  • Dramatic Irony: Mr. Hubley ends up forgetting the trigger word 'bad' which makes Shaggy brave and return to normal, yet the audience already knows and the gang doesn't realize it until later in the movie.
  • Foreshadowing: When Velma's on her date with Winsor, he really doesn't want to talk about the Phantosaur attacks.
  • Funny Background Event:
    • Scooby provides these as usual. The bit where he gets hyped up on coffee even drags the rest of the gang into it.
    • Fred and Daphne are in the foreground trying to figure out what to do next, not realizing that they keep saying the codeword that switches Shaggy into 'brave mode.' Meanwhile, Scooby tries to figure out what the word is from what they're saying by repeating the words they say (with Fred and Daphne occasionally thinking he's responding to them), and manages to guess every word except for the right one.
  • Geeky Turn-On: Velma and Winsor instantly become attracted to one another when they discuss dinosaur fossils at the dig.
  • Heroic BSoD: Every time Shaggy gets scared, he goes into a breakdown.
  • Heroism Incentive: Scooby Snacks yet again. Scooby actually uses one to wake Shaggy from his coma via aroma therapy.
  • Hollywood Nerd: Winsor, who looks almost exactly like a male Velma.
  • Hot Scientist: Professor Svankmajer is a very attractive scientist.
  • Hypno Fool: While Mr. Hubley hypnotizes Shaggy to make him brave, he ends up hypnotizing himself as well.
  • Hypno Pendulum: Mr. Hubley's equipment is much different than swinging a pocket watch in front of your face. The word that Shaggy needs to hear to turn into a serious badass happens to be 'bad', but Scooby never realizes this until later.
  • Improbable Age: While it's quickly pointed out that it was photoshopped, for Scooby's Rescue Dog card to have been issued in 1969 as it claimed, Scooby would have to be at least 42 years old, which has never even come close to being reached by a Great Dane.
  • In Medias Res: The movie starts with a mystery already having been solved, and the gang recounts what happened.
  • Klatchian Coffee: Scooby becomes incredibly hyperactive after lapping up the coffee Shakey Joe mistakenly poured into his dog dish.
  • Large Ham: Brave Shaggy, as lampshaded by Fred.
    'Is that part of the 'brave' thing? That you say weird stuff that sounds like movie lines?'
  • Lampshade Hanging: This film is very lampshade heavy even as it simultaneously plays things completely straight. In addition to others already pointed out on this page, there's this:
    Freddy: 'I think we may have this one wrapped up!'
    Daphne: ' Not yet. You still haven't caught anyone in a net.'
    • Also, the bit lampshading the villains' habit of confessing after being caught.
    'Can you shut him up? I'm trying to confess over here!'
  • The Legend of X: The film's subtitle 'Legend of the Phantosaur'.
  • Loophole Abuse: Shaggy is forbidden to ride in the Mystery Machine by the doctor, so Fred paints over the word 'mystery' to make it read 'mustard', resulting in a rather odd name for the van: the Mustard Machine.
  • Love at First Sight: Velma and Winsor fall head over heels pretty much the moment they lay eyes on each other, especially Velma. Winsor at least needed a short conversation before it really kicked in.
  • Like Is, Like, a Comma: Shaggy as usual.
    Shaggy: I think I'm going to, like, like this place.
  • Love Makes You Dumb: Love causing a person to have their feelings cloud their ability to think rationally is played straight with Velma - it gets to the point where she can't even form full sentences once she sees Winsor.
  • Memetic Mutation: The diner scene where Shaggy turns brave, and beats up a massive gang of bikers. The internet has since turned Shaggy into an all-powerful god that can destroy entire universes using only 5% of his power.
  • Mind-Control Eyes: Shaggy's eyes briefly turn into spirals as a result of Mr. Hubley's hypnosis, every time he becomes brave and returns to normal if he hears the word 'bad'.
  • My Instincts Are Showing: Scooby-Doo finds a dinosaur bone, which just so happens to be extremely rare. After Professor Svankmajer thanks him for it, he just buries it again.
  • Mythology Gag: Winsor's car has a bumper sticker that says 'Been to Camp City', a reference to a location in the previous film 'Camp Scare'.
  • Nerds Are Sexy: One can say this about Professor Svankmajer. Winsor and Velma definitely think so, about each other.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!:
    • Daphne turns the paint-stripper back on, and forgets to turn it off, causing the mines to explode and trapping everyone underground.
    • The ending, where Shaggy has his hypnosis undone, only for everyone else in the gang to believe they're Shaggy, too. Even Scooby.
    • Also the instance where Scooby-Doo finds a rare dinosaur bone, and Svankmajor and Winsor are going crazy about it. Once they move on, Scooby buries it again.
  • Out of Character: Velma, after falling in love with Winsor. She initially had no interest in solving the mystery. But she's more or less back in character when she learns of Winsor's involvement.
  • Overly Long Scream: Shaggy is screaming endlessly for almost three hours by the time the movie starts, after getting spooked out during a mystery at a haunted house. He manages to stop when the doctor tells him to, as he says, 'people listen to doctors.'
  • Playing with Fire: The Phantasaur breathes fire.
  • Police are Useless: The cops that show up when the Fiery Phantosaur attacks town aren't much of a help. Of course, as usual, they show up at the end to cart Professor Svankmajer and Winsor to prison.
  • Raptor Attack: The second-half of the film has several(to the point where the film almost feels like an unofficial Jurassic Park sequel). It turns out the raptors were the graduate students using stolen outfits from the dinosaur exhibit, though one wonders why they have horns
  • Recognition Failure: In a way. Mr. Hubley never gets Shaggy's name right.
  • Rule of Cool: Brave Shaggy. In real life, hypnosis doesn't instantly turn you into a badass, (something Fred points out), but who cares when we get to see Shaggybeating up an entire gang of bikers and dropping one-liners like a pro?
  • Running Gag: Scooby spends the entire movie guessing random words to find Shaggy's codeword, usually way off base. When he finally does figure it out, nobody can understand what he's saying.
  • Schrödinger's Canon: Again, regarding whether or not the post-2010 movies take place in the same canon as Mystery Incorporated.
    • The gang is stated to still be attending high school and presumably still live in their hometown, just like in Mystery Incorporated. However, the classroom in Fred's flashback doesn't look like the classrooms in Crystal Cove High, and the town doesn't greatly resemble Crystal Cove. Though given the ending of Mystery Incorporated, their different appearances can be chalked up to the universe reset, but a problem with that argument is that the gang leaves Crystal Cove for college after the reset.
  • 'Scooby-Doo' Hoax: Mr. Hubley lampshades the basic formula when he's talking about how he couldn't get more land to make the spa bigger.
    Mr. Hubley: Waddya gonna do? Dress up as some monster and scare everyone away?
  • Seldom-Seen Species: Massospondylus and Appalachiosaurus are mentioned.
  • Shout-Out: At one point, Shaggy refers to his brave side as the other guy.
  • Shown Their Work: Fred points out the fact that hypnosis cannot make a person do something they normally wouldn't. (This means that everything Shaggy does when hypnotized is in character for him.]]
  • Slippery Skid: Done to the raptors with a jar of marbles.
  • Stern Teacher: Fred's teacher says that since he helped recover the greatest dinosaur find in history, he'll bump his grade up to a C-.
  • Snake Pit: When the main characters are trying to escape the mines when they are about to blow up, they find a pit of snakes they have to cross.
  • Toilet Humor: When Shaggy is threatened by the bikers.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Shaggy whenever his hypnosis kicks in. And when the cave is collapsing and his hypnosis gets turned off, he finally summons the courage to save the day.
  • Trigger Phrase: Saying the word 'bad' in front of Shaggy will turn him brave and fearless as part of his hypnosis. Saying it again returns him to normal.
  • Walk Into Camera Obstruction: With Scooby and a ghost elephant during the opening credits when the gang is being chased by ghost animals.
  • Wham Line:
    • Played with. When Shaggy is turned back into his regular self, he tells Fred that if he's going to jump to the ledge, he needs a movie line to say before he does it. They eventually end up with 'When you say jump, I say 'How high?' '.
    • Played for Laughs at the ending. It doesn't take long to figure out that something went wrong with Mr. Hubley re-hypnotizing Shaggy into no longer having a bravery trigger phrase and just being his usual self again.
    Shaggy, Fred, Velma, Daphne, Scooby: Zoinks! Did it, like, work?
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: The mine snakes affected Velma the most.


Scooby-Doo! Legend of the Phantosaur
Based onScooby-Doo
by Joe Ruby and Ken Spears
Written byDoug Langdale
Directed byEthan Spaulding
Theme music composerRobert J. Kral
Country of originUnited States
Original language(s)English
Producer(s)Spike Brandt
Tony Cervone
Editor(s)Damon P. Yoches
Running time75 minutes[1]
Production company(s)Warner Bros. Animation
DistributorWarner Home Video (DVD)
Warner Bros. Television (TV)
Original networkCartoon Network
Original release[1]

Scooby-Doo! Legend of the Phantosaur is a 2011 direct-to-DVDanimatedcomedymystery film; the sixteenth direct-to-video movie based upon the Scooby-DooSaturday morning cartoons, the film was released on September 6, 2011.[1] It premiered on Cartoon Network on September 3, 2011.



The Mystery Inc. gang travels to a remote town to stay at the La Serena Spa in New Mexico, to relax Shaggy after a scary experience in a haunted mansion left him screaming for a few hours afterward. There, they meet Mr. Hubley, who works at the spa. When Shaggy asks if there is anything to eat, Hubley says no, but there is a barbecue in town.

The gang goes to the barbecue, and all but Shaggy and Scooby-Doo go off to see the paleontological dig of Professor Svankmajer. Shaggy and Scooby are too full to walk right away. When they set out, a gila monster steals a biscuit from them, causing Scooby to go after it. He meets the Phantosaur (described as somewhat resembling an Appalachiosaurus by Professor Svankmajer) and runs away. Later, Shaggy and Scooby are chased by the Phantosaur and narrowly escape.

Meanwhile, Professor Svankmajor shows the rest of the gang over the dig, and Velma meets Svankmajor's student, Winsor. She instantly sees him as a soul mate and they plan to go out on a date, to which Fred replies to Daphne, 'On our own for clue searching then.'

Back at the spa, Shaggy is in terrible shape after a fright. Mr. Hubley helps with aromatherapy, assisted by Scooby-Doo adding a Scooby Snack to the aromas. Shaggy becomes more calm, but freaks out again when Mr. Hubley tells them the legend of the Phantosaur, the ghost of a predatory dinosaur. The legend says the Phantosaur was summoned by Native Americans to drive out Spanish conquistadors, but it turned on them instead.

Hubley has an advanced hypnosis machine with a hologram projector. He hypnotizes Shaggy to become fearless and unstoppable when he heard the word 'bad,' and to switch back to normal when he hears it again. Then he orders Shaggy to forget everything; unfortunately, Hubley himself is affected by the hypnosis and he can't remember the key word for Shaggy.

Daphne, Fred, and Velma go back to the dig to look for clues, but Velma is so love struck that she's not much use. She misses an obvious clue about many footprints going to a part of the cave where Winsor says they never go because of the snakes that lurk in the lower cave levels.

Meanwhile, Scooby and Shaggy go to an all-you-can-eat restaurant and start to eat it out of business. Then a biker gang comes in. Shaggy accidentally squirts the contents of a hot dog bun on one of the bikers, who angrily grabs him and tells him, 'Little buddy, this is gonna be bad.' Suddenly, Shaggy is fearless. He knocks out the whole motorcycle gang and repels all their assaults on him. Then the gang leader, a large, muscly man named Tex, arrives and, taking an admitted liking to Shaggy, challenges him to a motorcycle race on Dead Man's curve. Shaggy confidently accepts, even though he's never ridden a motorcycle before. As Tex leaves the restaurant, he tells Shaggy that he won't kill Shaggy 'too bad.'. Suddenly back to normal, Shaggy is terrified of the challenge he has just accepted, and by what he has just done to the rest of the gang.

That night, Daphne decides to give him motorcycling lessons, because she drove a motorcycle when she was five. Shaggy and Tex have their motorcycle race as planned, and Shaggy hears 'bad' just in time and almost wins, until a Phantosaur shows up and he thinks in his mind that the monster must think it's so 'bad,' which is enough to make him cowardly again and get chased, but still miraculously wins the race.

Eventually, they figure out that there were two phantosaurs and they were robots. The culprits were two mining engineers who wanted the silver they found in the area, which they couldn't get to because of the paleontologists.

Once back at Hubley's they find the hologram projector gone and they get attacked by a pack of Velociraptor and a ghostly fire-breathing Tyrannosaurus. They learn that it was Professor Svankmajer and Winsor, much to Velma's dismay. They had found a complete Allosaurus encased in quartz crystal, a beautiful and priceless find, and they wanted to keep it for themselves. They wanted to scare everyone off so they could dig it out and take it away. They disguised three other graduate students in velociraptor costumes, and created an original red Phantosaur with an advanced holographic projector (stolen from Hubley's hypnotism room) and paint-stripper devices that blasted super-heated air for the fire effects.

While they are underground, the dynamite charges Svankmajor set to blast free the dinosaur crystal go off (because Daphne left a paint-stripper on and the heat lit the fuses). Shaggy's hypnotic bravery comes in again when Svankmejer comments on how 'bad' the lower caverns are, and he flawlessly leads them toward the exit until Daphne praises him that he's 'not bad.' Scooby realizes the keyword but is unable to tell the rest of the gang (who misunderstand his 'rad' as other words). Shaggy has to complete the rest of the escape on sheer guts, and with some help from Tex and his biker friends. The remorseful Svankmajer and Winsor are arrested, but Velma says she will date Winsor again when he gets out of jail, which he happily agrees with.

They then go back to La Serena Spa and Mr. Hubley tries to un-hypnotize Shaggy, but accidentally makes the entire gang turn into him. The end of the movie shows them driving away in the 'Mustard' Machine. A post-credits scene reveals the 'Mustard' Machine wearing a wig that looks like Shaggy's hairstyle. The GPS inside the van says aloud that if it had hands, it would remove the wig, but as such, it has none.


  • Frank Welker as Scooby-Doo, Fred Jones and misc. bikers
  • Matthew Lillard as Shaggy Rogers and Shaky Joe
  • Mindy Cohn as Velma Dinkley
  • Grey DeLisle as Daphne Blake
  • Cathy Cavadini as Faith
  • John DiMaggio as Fritz, GPS and misc. bikers
  • Michael Gough as Mr. Babbit, Blair, Grad Student #1 and misc. bikers
  • Matthew Gray Gubler as Winsor
  • Finola Hughes as Professor Svankmajer
  • Maulik Pancholy as Doctor
  • Kevin Michael Richardson as Tex, Cop #2, Grad Student #3 and misc. bikers
  • Fred Willard as Mr. Hubley
  • Dave Wittenberg as Cop #1, Grad Student #2, Policeman and misc. bikers
  • Gwendoline Yeo as Ms. Fetich

Follow-up film[edit]

Scooby-Doo! Music of the Vampire was released on March 13, 2012.


Scooby Doo Legend Of The Phantosaur Torrent Full

  1. ^ abc' Scooby-Doo! Legend of the Phantosaur'.

External links[edit]

Watch Scooby Doo Phantosaur Online

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