Stone Of Bal Ur
The Aztec ball game was actually a revision of an ancient Mesoamerican game that was played by many peoples including the Mayans. It may have originated with the ancient Olmec civilization. It became a very important part of the Aztec Empire, not just as entertainment, but for political and religious reasons as well. Hidden behind a door to the side, a tunnel leads to the underground shrine of Molag Bal. A bonelord, a golden saint, and a dremora or daedroth will try to impede your progress. If you come as a vampire looking for answers, the witch Derar Hlervu will tell you to talk to the statue of Molag Bal.
After you complete the Reclaiming Vos quest, you’ll unlock the At Any Cost quest, which is given out by Mistress Dratha. You can pick up this quest by visiting Tel Mora. After acquiring the quest you’ll be tasked with collecting several Stones of Cold Fire located around Vvardenfell. In this article we’ll break down all Stone of Cold Fire locations in Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind, and tell you how to get them.
All Stones of Cold Fire Locations
To find all seven of the Stones of Cold Fire you’ll need to visit seven Daedric shrines around Vvardenfell. To acquire the stones, simply visit the shrines and collect each stone from the rooms near the end. Some of these locations have a miniboss nearby, though you can avoid the enemy and grab the stone without going into battle. We’ve broken up each section below based on the shrine you need to visit.
The first Stone of Cold Fire can be found inside of the Ashalmawia Delve, which is in the northwestern section of Vvardenfell. You may need to defeat the miniboss, Zylara in order to make it to the room with the stone.
Bal Ur
You’ll find the next Stone of Cold Fire by heading inside the Bal Ur Underground, which is located north of Suran. Head inside and be mindful of the Phylaraak miniboss nearby. Look for the stone next to a few candles in the shrine’s interior.
To find the third Stone of Cold Fire, head southeast of Vos to the Esutanamus Shrine. There’s a Daedroth miniboss here, so be careful and look for this Stone of Cold Fire around the shrine.
The next Stone of Cold Fire is found near the Kushtashpi Shrine, which is northwest of Vos. Watch out for the Daragaz miniboss nearby, and keep an eye out on the ground around the shrine to spot this Stone of Cold Fire and acquire it.
Make your way south of Ald’ruhn and head inside of the Ramimilk shrine. You’ll find this stone inside the shrine. Thankfully there aren’t any minibosses nearby, so you shouldn’t have any trouble grabbing this Stone of Cold Fire.
Just north of Molag Mar you’ll find the Tusenend shrine. Head inside the shrine and look out for the Kythiirix miniboss inside. Deal with the boss (or avoid it) and look for the Stone of Cold Fire on the ground inside.
You can find this final Stone of Cold Fire by visiting the Yansirramus shrine, which is west of Sadrith Mora. Deal with the Brakuum miniboss near the shrine, and look for the stone around the top of the area.
Once you have all of the Stones of Cold Fire, return to Dratha and enter the portal to the Prison of Xykenaz. Defeat Xykenaz and then return to Dratha to complete this quest. You can return to our Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind guide for more helpful articles like which race is best for the Warden class and how to play Battlegrounds.
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About the author
Josh has been exploring fantastic worlds and getting lost in video games for as long as he can remember. Starting out on the Super Nintendo with Super Mario World, and ending up in the world of next-generation gaming. He enjoys digging into the story and lore of massive RPGs, as well as getting lost just trying to make that last jump in any platformers he gets pulled into, as well as everything in between. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing for Entertainment.
From the Web
Key points of The Elder Scrolls Online:Morrowind - Vvardenfell
Quest Hubs - this sign and similar landmarks point to locations with quest givers. Every quest hub got his own short story.
Skyshards - located on ground level ore above.
Skyshards (underground) - located in dungeons or caves

Wayshrines - you can teleport to previously visited Wayshrines. If you die you show up at the nearest Wayshrines.
Public Dungeons and Caves - solo or group, caves or dungeons. You will visit this locations with random players.
Group Dungeons - private group dungeon, you can visit it with your group only. You will not meet other players here. The difficulty of the dungeon is set for 4 person group.
Dark Anchor - spawning point for Molag Bal forces. This is the place where you can with other players try to destroy the Anchor.
World Bosses - elite enemies encounters for groups.
Locales - places to visit, for a visit all on the map you get achievement
Item Set Crafting Location - every item crafted in this location will be part of specific set. Different bonuses can be found at different crafting stations.
Mundus Stones - Every Mundus Stone will give you special endless bonus of some kind. You can get only one bonus at same time.
Vvardenfell is the new main province in ESO Morrowind expansion.
Ashalmawia - the West Gash region
Khartag Point - the Bitter Coast region
Matus-Akin Egg Mine - the Azura's Coast region
Nchuleft - theGrazelands region
Pulk - the Grazelands region
Zainsipilu - the Bitter Coast region
Zainab Camp - the Grazelands region
World Bosses
Maelkashishi - the West Gash region
Missir-Dadalit Egg Mine - the Molag Amur region
Nchuleftingth - the Molag Amur region
Sulipund - the Molag Amur region
Cities and Settlements
Ahemmusa Camp - the Grazelands region
Ald'Ruhn - the Ashlands region
Erabenimsun Camp - the Molag Amur region
Fort Firemoth - the Firemoth region
Molag Mar - the Molag Mar region
Seyda Neen - the Bitter Coast regionl
Tel Branora - the Azura's Coast region
Tel Mora - the Azura's Coast region
Tel Vos - the Grazelands region
Urshilaku Camp - the Ashlands region
Vivec City - the Ascadian Isles region
Zainab Camp - the Grazelands region
Points of Interest
Addadshashanammu - the Bitter Coast region
Almurbalarammi - the Azura's Coast region
Andrano Ancestral Tomb - the Bitter Coast region
Anudnabia - the Azura's Coast region
Arkngthunch-Sturdumz - the West Gash region
Ashalmimilkala - the Bitter Coast region
Ashimanu Cave
Ashunartes - the Molag Amur region
Ashurnibibi - the Bitter Coast region
Bal Ur - the Ascadian Isles region
Dreloth Ancestral Tomb - the Azura's Coast region
Dushariran - the West Gash region
Galom Daeus - the Molag Amur region
Gnisis Eggmine - the West Gash region
Kaushtarari - the Azura's Coast region
Kushtashpi - the Grazelands region
Mallapi - the Bitter Coast region
Molag Mar Glass Mine
Odirniran - the Azura's Coast region
Pinsun - the Azura's Coast region
Ramimilk - the Ashlands region
Shashpilamat - the Azura's Coast region
Tusenend - the Molag Amur region
Vassamsi Grotto - the Azura's Coast region
Vassir-Didanat - the Ascadian Isles region
Eso Stone Of Bal Ur
Veloth Tomb
Yasammidan - the West Gash region
Certain flying vehicles can only be used in Starfighter Assault mode.
Zaintiraris - the Azura's Coast region
Zalkin-Sul Egg Mine - the Molag Amur region