Battlefront 2 Galactic Assault Maps

Posted on by admin

The developers from Dice/EA are introducing a Server-side change to Star Wars Battlefront II to change the Daily Rotation of Galactic Assault Maps. According to their analysis and stats, some of the maps don't show as often as 'players would like to'. For Star Wars Battlefront II on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Map Rotation (Galactic Assault)'. That is very impressive considering Battlefront 1 only had a few free maps. Star Wars Battlefront 2 will definitely be a lot better than Battlefront 1 because of many reasons. 2 of the most important reasons are no paid DLC and a campaign mode. If you don’t buy the season pass, Star Wars Battlefront 1 would be very boring.

Eleven multiplayer maps spanning all three eras.
By Alex Osborn

Electronic Arts has released new details about the eleven multiplayer maps and five modes that will be available at launch for Star Wars Battlefront II.

As detailed on EA's official site, the game will feature three prequel-era maps: Kamino, Kashyyyk and Theed; five original trilogy-era maps: Death Star II, Endor, Mos Eisley, Yavin 4 and Hoth; and three The Force Awakens-era maps: Starkiller Base, Jakku and Takodana.

For a peek at a few of Star Wars Battlefront II's multiplayer maps, check out the slideshow below:

Kamino multiplayer map
Kamino multiplayer map
Download Image

Details about the game's multiplayer modes were also revealed. According to another post on EA's official site, Battlefront II will feature a mode called Strike, where two eight-player teams will compete in objective-based missions. Meanwhile, a mode called Starfighter Assault will have players assume control over hero ships, fighters, bombers and interceptors as two teams 'engage in multi-stage, objective based space battles.'

Battlefront II will also feature a Hero vs. Villains mode, where various beloved characters from the Star Wars universe fight against each other in four-on-four team battles. Additionally, the game will feature an Arcade mode that offers single-player, or split-screen multiplayer on console, where players take on AI foes in various scenarios.

Based on your list and the load order document I assembled this table with the preferred load order. Forge.

The game will also feature a mode called Galactic Assault, where players will 'battle on a series of large team-oriented, objective-based maps.'

Star Wars Battlefront II will be released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on November 17. Those eager to jump into the action early can check out the Galactic Assault and Starfighter Assault modes in the Battlefront II beta, which will run from October 6-9 (or 4-9 for those who preordered).

Check out our Star Wars Battlefront II impressions from gamescom 2017 to find out why the game's space battles are 'faster, sleeker and better-sounding than ever.'

Alex Osborn is a freelance writer for IGN. Find him on Twitter at @alexcosborn.

700 postsSWBF Dev Team ›EA Community Manager
Which is your favourite Galactic Assault Map?
Forums only allow for 10 choices, so if you enjoy Jakku - just comment it below.

Favourite Map - Galactic Assault 233 votes

Battlefront 2 Galactic Assault Maps
19 votes
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Battlefront 2 Galactic Assault MapsBattlefront 2 Galactic Assault Maps

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Galactic Assault Map Rotation 2019

3 votes


Battlefront 2 Galactic Assault Map Rotation

  • 3334 postsMember
    Theed, and it's not even close. Endor would be next. I'd cancel the search for all the rest.
    21 years in the making.. the wait is almost over. Pre-order RESIDENT EVIL 2 now!
  • 107 postsMember
  • 2055 postsMember
    Lol jakku isn’t even an option because it’s so terrible.
    And also
    'In My Book, Experience outranks Everything'
    PSN: HyperGamerMk2
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  • 2802 postsMember
    PadawanAlbert wrote: »

    +1 for Crait. Most amazing map ever, with awesome trench warfare, and great attention to detail.
    Give me an Old Luke skin, and we will be best friends. He is the only one I plan on buying with real $. :-)
    Poe/Hux Concept Ideas:
  • 2306 postsMember
    Hoth is my fav because I love the snow effects. Also the Tauntaun is my favorite 'vehicle'
    'The difference between a fall and a sacrifice is sometimes difficult, but I feel he understood that difference, more than anyone knew. The galaxy would have fallen if he had not gone to war. Perhaps he became the Dark Lord out of necessity to prevent a greater evil'
  • 3495 postsModerator ›SWBF Senior Moderator
    July 10, 2018 1:23PMedited July 2018
    No vehicles to bamboozle me
    No ion torpedo.
    Close quarters combat.
    Prefer the interaction based targets than damaging something for tickets.. Reminds me of Rush from Battlefield.
  • 8323 postsMember
    Theed is the best map in the whole game.
    Crait is a close second.

  • 8105 postsMember
    Naboo has the best phase but I don’t like choke points so Kashyyyk takes the cake.
    Completely forgot about Crait @PadawanAlbert great map.
  • 271 postsMember
    Kashyyyk (I thought kashyyyk had only two y’s. What a surprise!) is absolutely gorgeous and fun. I love playing as both sides! Such an stunning map! It is closely followed by Endor, tho.
  • 74 postsMember
    Theed is the OG beta map. So much fun, if there was a server browser I would be on Theed 24/7
  • 1366 postsMember
    It’s between Mos Eisley and Takodana. Both wretched hives of scum and villainy, both bloody gorgeous. Today the bustling Tatooine spaceport won.
  • 1324 postsMember
    kashyyyk is the bestest, naboo following as a very close second

  • 14874 postsMember
    Kashyyyk, it is the only one that consistently gets decided in the last stage for me, and either team can win.
    The Knights of Gareth are Eternal
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  • 2055 postsMember
    Why do you ask tho?
    'In My Book, Experience outranks Everything'
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  • 2171 postsMember
    I voted for Theed but for me it is the second best after Crait (which wasn't part of the poll ).
    May your heart be your guiding key.
  • 2052 postsMember
    Only one that’s somewhat open
    Ponds main
    Officer of The Knights of Gareth
  • 1120 postsMember
    I used to really like theed but kamino is where the fun is.
  • 502 postsMember
    Hoth, cause its the part of the best starwars movie plus i like the freedom in the first phase, huge and cool

  • 2055 postsMember
    Seronax wrote: »
    Hoth, cause its the part of the best starwars movie plus i like the freedom in the first phase, huge and cool

    That almost makes me want to change my vote..
    Oh wait I can’t
    'In My Book, Experience outranks Everything'
    PSN: HyperGamerMk2
    YT: GiantSlayer YT
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  • 174 postsMember
    My Favs
    Mos Eisley
    Death Star
    Star Killer
    Most Dislike
  • 530 postsMember
    Naboo looks the nicest, but Kamino is the longest and that final stage is intense!
    Hoth Endor Mos & Crait all in the running
    PS4 ButtersEgo96
  • 6003 postsMember
    Death Star 2
    PSN: Empire_TW. Twitter: Empire_TW. Youtube: Empire_TW.
  • 1801 postsMember
    July 10, 2018 2:34PMedited July 2018
    I picked Theed.
    Edit: I see someone else noticed that the digital visualisation of vomit(Jakku) is not on the list
  • 8380 postsMember
    F8RGE wrote: »
    Forums only allow for 10 choices, so if you enjoy Jakku - just comment it below.

    Editor/Cinematographer - Anoh is pronounced: AhNo.
  • 336 postsMember
    There's a few really good ones then a few absolute trash ones. Naboo, Kashyyyk, Kamino, Death Star (no vehicles yayyyyy), Endor are my favorites. Jakku takodana and hoth are utter trash.
  • 73 postsMember
    Crait is my favorite but no option so i went with Kamino. Though i would prob call it a tie with Death Star II
  • 2888 postsMember
    Theed and Death Star 2 are easily my favourite. Then Kamino, Hoth, Kashyyyk.
    (Voted Theed because it's not only very fun to play and well designed, but also beautiful).

    Imagine it
    A horde of Bipedal Millennium Falcons with cheeseburgers for legs
    If there seems to be random words or phrases in my post that don't make sense, blame Autocorrect.
  • 4523 postsMember
    July 10, 2018 2:54PMedited July 2018
    I voted for Hoth. I love the lighting and whirling snow. The map design is also good. It's huge and open and feels epic. I also like Crait, but it wasn't on the list!
    Every soldier has a story.Creating your own BATTLEFRONT Immersion and Background story - BATTLEFRONT II
  • 2245 postsMember
    July 10, 2018 2:56PMedited July 2018
    lerodemmy wrote: »
    Theed, and it's not even close. Endor would be next. I'd cancel the search for all the rest.

    This, and it’s not close imo, it’s also the only map that has the epic feel of the maps of battlefront 15 imo. Crait is probably my second favorite.
  • 155 postsMember
    Crait, but it isn't in the poll (and in fact unacknowledged in the OP?).
    Middling streamer and lover of chile relleno, PSN ID: PopeHilarius
    Check out my Twitch at
  • 2888 postsMember
    WulfstanLee wrote: »
    Crait, but it isn't in the poll (and in fact unacknowledged in the OP?).
    I was going to mention that but forgot actually - I thought there was 12 maps, not 10 plus Jakku (i.e. 11)

    Imagine it
    A horde of Bipedal Millennium Falcons with cheeseburgers for legs
    If there seems to be random words or phrases in my post that don't make sense, blame Autocorrect.
  • 991 postsMember
    Death Star, Crait, Takodana, Yavin..but the game mode is stale, play extraction now - need more maps please.
  • 119 postsMember
    I think Theed is the best designed and most fun to play. Honourable mention: Death star II
  • 83 postsMember
    Definitely Mos Eiseley
    But Crait is a close second
  • 551 postsMember
    Yavin lately, then Mos Eisley, like Hoth too. Jakku least fave, still ok.
  • 3398 postsMember
    Sullust, oh wait.. ok then Crait, no option.. how about Kessel GA.. yeah never mind, I'm going to the Cantina to get a drink. Is this poll to see which GA maps are going to be used for the new mode in the Fall, or is this poll just for entertainment purposes?
  • 2936 postsMember
    Went for Hoth, just love the atmosphere, visuals and the epic wide open battle in the first phase. I like the final phase as well.
  • 4669 postsMember
  • 2532 postsMember
    My top three:
    1. Theed (which I voted for)
    2. Crait (why is Starkiller on here instead)
    3. Hoth
    Add more Extraction and SA maps please!
    What the ROADMAP should look like for 2019/2020:
    “Season” 4: Clone Wars Revival
    “Season” 5: Episode IX
    “Season” 6: Rogue One
  • 2532 postsMember
    Crait should also be on here at 9% (with 5 votes in thread).
    Add more Extraction and SA maps please!
    What the ROADMAP should look like for 2019/2020:
    “Season” 4: Clone Wars Revival
    “Season” 5: Episode IX
    “Season” 6: Rogue One
  • 2532 postsMember
    If Crait was in the poll, it would probably be in second place.
    Add more Extraction and SA maps please!
    What the ROADMAP should look like for 2019/2020:
    “Season” 4: Clone Wars Revival
    “Season” 5: Episode IX
    “Season” 6: Rogue One
  • 8323 postsMember
    DrX2345 wrote: »
    Crait, but it isn't in the poll (and in fact unacknowledged in the OP?).
    I was going to mention that but forgot actually - I thought there was 12 maps, not 10 plus Jakku (i.e. 11)

    Theres 13.
    6 ot
    4 st
    3 pt

  • 1102 postsMember
    lerodemmy wrote: »
    Theed, and it's not even close. Endor would be next. I'd cancel the search for all the rest.

    Sames. Specifically, evening on Theed is the most magnificent GA map to grace the GA screen.
    In 1977, a single shot rang out at the Cantina.. No first, no second. Han shot - end of statement.
    PSN: Han_Spinel
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  • 243 postsMember
    Han_Spinel wrote: »
    Theed, and it's not even close. Endor would be next. I'd cancel the search for all the rest.

    Sames. Specifically, evening on Theed is the most magnificent GA map to grace the GA screen.

  • 226 postsMember
    Theed, followed by endor, kamino, crait
  • 906 postsMember
    July 10, 2018 5:15PMedited July 2018
    Crait, but it isn't in the poll (and in fact unacknowledged in the OP?).
    I was going to mention that but forgot actually - I thought there was 12 maps, not 10 plus Jakku (i.e. 11)

    Theres 13.
    6 ot
    4 st
    3 pt

    Which is the 6th GA map for the OT?
    And BTW, I don't know what's worse:
    - A poll which doesn't state its purpose (I fear for a change that will make this game worse);
    - The Community Manager completely forgetting about one of the maps: Crait;
    - The official EA Battlefront II website stating D'Qar is a playable Galactic Assault Map ( )
    Tired of BUGs?
    Well, they'll still exist.
    But visit the Rogue Bros Channel, there we document many BUGs and possible workarounds for them. There's also gameplay and other videos related to EA's Star Wars Battlefront (I & II)
  • 8323 postsMember
    RogueZeroRendar wrote: »
    Crait, but it isn't in the poll (and in fact unacknowledged in the OP?).
    I was going to mention that but forgot actually - I thought there was 12 maps, not 10 plus Jakku (i.e. 11)

    Theres 13.
    6 ot
    4 st
    3 pt

    Which is the 6th GA map for the OT?
    And BTW, I don't know what's worse:
    - A poll which doesn't state its purpose (I fear for a change that will make this game worse;
    - The Community Manager completely forgetting about one of the maps: Crait
    - The official EA Battlefront II website stating D'Qar is a playable Galactic Assault Map ( )

    Swear there was a 6th one. Guess not then.

  • 45 postsMember
    Theed at night is the most gorgeous map design to marvel at. I get killed just looking around sometimes at how beautiful it is, though if Nute Gunray was added to the map it would be the sexiest thing in game history. Kashyyyk is a very close second. Why are they asking this though? Will they remove the top voted map lol

  • 721 postsMember
    Theed at night is Pretty cool. Bespin night map like what we saw in the campaign would be awesome.
  • 71 postsMember
    Yavin 4 is my favourite, it's the nicest looking map in my opinion