Google Drive Not Downloading

Posted on by admin

Sep 09, 2016  Windows 10 Pro (up-to-date) Microsoft Edge 38.14393.0.0. Problem: Downloading Google.Drive files from Edge puts files in Roaming instead of the default downloads folder, and does not ask for a location. The Save to Google Drive extension can also be useful If you’re using Ubuntu Linux, which does not have an official Google Drive client. NOTE: The Save to Google Drive extension saves files to the Google account you are signed in to in Chrome. Feb 13, 2018  This video will show you how to download zip file from google drive. Skip navigation. How to resolve issue with zip file downloading from google drive. This feature is not available right.

  1. Latest Version Of Google Drive

While downloading zip file(more than 25MB i assume) i am getting the below notification,

in the browser.Is there any option to disable it,so that i can download any large file directly without having to receive such messages as interruption.

Want to know whether any setting is there in the google drive, so that i can disable that broker message.

Dan Cornilescu
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9 Answers


I found that the following pattern allows to disable the large file notification:

I think anyone knows how to find the file-id for Google Drive file.

Please keep in mind that this method works only if file is shared with 'Public on the web' option.

But this feature is deprecated and will stop working after August 31, 2016:

Victor SharovatovVictor Sharovatov

After spending many countless hours trying to get a direct download link that bypasses the virus scan I finally figured it out by accident. A URL in the format below along with your Google API key will bypass the virus scan. I could not find this documented anywhere (here is the official doc) so use at your own risk as future updates might break it.

You can also use the authorization access token from google oauth instead of the apikey.

harkirat singhharkirat singh

I don't believe there is any longer a way to bypass Google Drive's warning that a file is too big to be scanned for viruses.

At one time Google Drive had web hosting support via webViewLink URLs that look like[doc id]. But that feature is deprecated and will stop working after August 31, 2016.


use zip-extractor to download file and extract to your Google Drive. It's offered as an option at the website you found the link at. Queen jewels mp3 rare. You have to be logged in at Google Drive for this to work.

4,06310 gold badges28 silver badges53 bronze badges
Michael JacksonMichael Jackson

The way to go is to use the link format Mick suggested:

The confirm Code ist valid indefinitely for each file. It does not change over time. So far the only way to find out the confirm code (or for that matter the complete link) is to curl and then extract the link under the 'download anyway' button, which includes the confirm code.



A better alternative is to use a Google Cloud Bucket.

  1. Open the Cloud Storage browser in the Google Cloud Platform Console.
  2. Create bucket that is Multi-Regional or Regional based on your need.
  3. Upload the file o the bucket and make it public.
  4. Use the public url to download the file using scripts, browser, gcloud commands, wget or curl.

This will work for any file size. Cloud Bucket service is really cheap. Google gives you free credits to start out and the bucket use can be well covered under the free credits.

Judy T RajJudy T Raj
4861 gold badge6 silver badges20 bronze badges

Well you can try 'Download anyway'

If that doesn't work I have found with Gmail that by changing the extension to .txt it allows the file to be downloaded/transferred then when downloaded you can change it back to .zip

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You can bypass preview, virus scan, AND get the correct file name if you simply use the following link convention:

where the google drive file id replaces FILE_ID.



you must disable virus scan from Chrome, but it will disable virus scan from all activities with the browser. In Chrome Preferences, show Advanced Settings and uncheck 'Enable phishing and malware protection'.


Latest Version Of Google Drive

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