Kingdom Come Deliverance First Horse
All Horses have key stats that you can compare between your current horse and those you which to swap out for: Speed: Speed measures the horse's ability to move faster when cantering or galloping. Kingdom Come: Deliverance - how to buy a horse. You can buy a horse from various horse traders around the game world. The first chance you get seems to be in Neuhof, and you'll notice the horses here have significantly higher stats than the one you got from the main story earlier on.
You don't start off Kingdom Come Deliverance with your own horse, and it might not be until hours into the game that you actually come across one. In this full Kingdom Come Deliverance horse guide, we'll be walking you through not only how to get a horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance, but also how to get horse armor in Kingdom Come Deliverance, so you keep your trusty steed alive.
If you instead need anything else on Kingdom Come Deliverance, including how to get to grips with the basic combat system, as well as how you can track down the elusive shovel in the Good Thief quest, head over to our Kingdom Come Deliverance guides walkthrough hub.
How to get a Horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance
There are actually three ways of unlocking a horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance, as you won’t be automatically given one at the outset of the game. The three ways of obtaining a horse are:
- Naturally through story progression
- Stealing a horse
- Buying a horse from a trader.
The first option is obviously easier than the other two, but it’s also the most time consuming—if you’re after a horse quickly, then you’ll be waiting a while for the story to progress far enough for Henry to be given a horse.
Henry is first given a horse to escape with during the attack on Skalitz, roughly an hour into Kingdom Come Deliverance, but this is little more than a trial, as the horse disappears after you’ve successfully escaped the battle. But later on in the game, after you’ve completed The Prey quest, you’ll be granted a horse as a reward, and this one is yours to keep for good.
The second method we mentioned is stealing a horse, which you can realistically undertake at any point in Kingdom Come Deliverance. In the starting area, you can venture into Talmberg Castle, but doing this is classed as a crime. Therefore, you’ll need to steal a guard’s uniform from the watchtower of Talmberg Castle, and the guards will let you come and go as if you’re one of their own. You can now walk into the castle stables, get on a horse, and ride off, unlawfully claiming the horse as your own.
The third and final method of unlocking a horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance is to outright purchase a horse. We previously mentioned The Prey quest by which you legally obtain a horse in Kingdom Come, but should you want to purchase a better horse (one that has increased stamina), you’ll need to head to a Horse Trader. The first chronological Horse Trader that you can encounter in the game is stationed in Neuhof, and he trades in horses that are valued anywhere between 500 and 2,000 Groschen.
How to Ride a Horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance
The one factor you need to be aware of when riding a horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance is the stamina bar. Instead of applying to Henry, the yellow stamina bar near the bottom of the screen represents your horse’s energy, and how long they can continually sprint for.
To sprint while you’re on your horse, press either the left Shift button on your keyboard, B button on your Xbox One controller, or Circle on your PS4 controller. While you’re sprinting on the horse, the yellow stamina bar will continue to decrease, to the point at which your horse will occasionally rear up if you let the stamina get too low.
Particularly during the escape from Skalitz, you’ll always need to be managing the stamina of your horse. Don’t be afraid to push your horse, but stop and let the horse reduce to a canter if the stamina bar gets too low, or else you risk the horse stopping entirely, which isn’t what you want during a chase.
How to Unlock Horse Armor in Kingdom Come Deliverance
Horses are rated on a five point scale, with one being the lowest level, and five being the highest. The five star horses of Kingdom Come Deliverance have the best stamina stats in the game, letting you cover the wide open world extremely quickly. You’re going to want to keep your horse in Kingdom Come: Deliverance safe, and that’s where horse armor comes into play.
The only method of unlocking pieces of horse armor in Kingdom Come Deliverance is through visiting a stable out in the open world of the game. If you’re anywhere near the Horse Trader located in Neuhof, then good news, for there’s a stable where you can purchase horse armor very close to the vendor, in north west Neuhof.
However horse armor comes in separate parts, with a piece to protect the body and head. Since each piece costs a different amount of Groschen, we’d advise saving your hard earned cash, and spending money on a few decent pieces of horse armor, and even then only using the horse armor on three star horses or above, ideally. Buying armor is by no means easy in Kingdom Come Deliverance, so you’ll only want to use it to protect something valuable.
We might be done with our horse guide for Kingdom Come Deliverance, but why not continue ahead to our full Skills and Stats guide, as well as our in-depth combat guide for the game.
Getting into Talmberg is a lot easier than getting out.
After Kingdom Come: Deliverance’s hectic opening, you’ll find yourself fleeing to the nearest city. The good people of Talmberg will happily take you in and give you shelter, but leaving the place can be pretty confusing.
Kingdom Come Deliverance Run Horse
Firstly, you’ll have to play through some basic story scenes. You’ll meet Robard, a key character, as well as Stephanie. Both will insist you eat and sleep and get back your strength, providing you with grub in the kitchen and a decent bed.
When you first go to sleep you’ll be woken by Stephanie who wants to chat. Talk to her and you’ll see she’s an ally to be kept on side. Be honest with her using Charisma and she’ll be able to help you a lot later on.
Once you’re done with the next cutscenes, in which the city of Talmberg narrowly avoids an attack of its own, you can finally start to think about moving on and exploring the open world of Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
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First, talk to Robard while you’re all still on the battlements. You objective is to return home and bury the bodies of your parents, but Robard will insist you cannot leave the castle. You won’t have enough persuasion or muscle to intimidate him so you’ll just have to go through the motions.
Explore the courtyards and buildings, where you’ll meet a trader. Again, you don’t have enough coin to buy anything really useful. Now, to escape the castle, you’re going to have to meet up with your friend Stephanie.
You’ll find Stephanie in the chambers above the kitchen where you ate when you first arrived. Talk to her and explain your predicament and she’ll tell you the best way to get out of Talmberg: You must steal Talmberg armour, but that’s not going to be easy to do. You should also explain to her that you’re poor, and in return she will give you a purse of 25 Groschen coins.
How to get Talmberg armour
You’ll find Talmberg armour at the top of the tower by the small drawbridge in a locked chest. You’re going to have to put your lockpicking skills to the test, so be sure to read up on how to lockpick and where to find lockpicks.
If you’re careful you can pick up all the Talmberg Armour here. Not only is it a great disguise for getting you out of the castle, it’s also great defence in the battles to come. We recommend using a Saviour Schnapps to save here in case you mess up and get caught or attacked. It really is worth reloading your save and getting this right so you leave with armour, a horse and the coins from Stephanie.
Now you have the right gear, you can leave the castle by taking a horse and riding out through the main gates. Once you ride far enough away from Talmberg you’ll complete this part of the story quest.
Jumping from the drawbridge
There are a few other ways to escape Talmberg, some of which are quicker but not as rewarding.
You can talk to a guard called Radim, who after a small bribe will tell you to pinch the Talmberg Armour in the same way that Stephanie did.
Or you can simply jump from the drawbridge into the moat. You’ll need to crouch under the chain and then jump into the moat below. Radim will give chase and you’ll have to either flee or persuade him to let you go.
Finally, you will be thrown out of the castle if you are caught for committing a crime. This will happen if you try to pinch the Talmberg Armour and are caught red-handed. When attacked by a guard, just surrender and you’ll be locked up for a while. The guards will take your coins though, so it’s a costly affair. You’ll be set free sometime later on the outside of the castle.
So that’s four different ways to get out of Talmberg, but if you’ve done it differently, let us know and we’ll add it to this guide.