The Long Dark Sprinting
Sprinting is a game mechanic introduced in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which requires Stamina to use. At its basic level, it will take a total of six seconds to deplete the stamina bar while sprinting continuously, and a total of eight seconds to regenerate it again. Increasing Stamina will also increase the duration of sprint.
Clothing is what the player wears on their body, and is the most common protection against the weather. Mechanically, this translates into how fast the Cold meter decreases. Properly maintained clothing will keep the player warm in most environments, at the cost of carrying the clothing, and thus, having less weight to carry other items. The Long Dark Trainer. Our Long Dark, The +21 trainer is now available for version 1.35 38054 and supports STEAM. These Long Dark, The cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game.

Sprinting into characters will cause them to become annoyed and tell you to watch where you're going.
How to sprintEdit

- 360 / XB1 – Press and hold LB (Left Bumper)
- PS3 – Press and hold L2
- PC – Press and hold the Alt Key
The Long Dark Sprinting Shoes
Effect of apparelEdit
Although sprinting is faster than running normally, this speed difference is based on the type of armor worn. When wearing heavy armor, the Dragonborn will sprint at a slower speed and will deplete stamina faster than they would while wearing light armor, which in turn causes the player to sprint slower and depletes stamina faster than normal clothing.
If one is wearing heavy armor they will be 50% faster, 60% if wearing light armor, and 75% if wearing clothes, if nude, or if perks are used which negate the weight of armors, such as Unhindered.confirmation needed
Darnified ui not working oblivion. I've managed to conclude that DarN is not the culprit so it deffinitely has to do with my load order. I'm uncertain if there's an intelligent list of options to follow when building the batch.SECOND EDIT: Anyway I made a few update changes. Those that I could without going through the lengthy 'clean install' processes. Maybe I have the wrong options selected when I rebuild the patch? A gain I didn't have this weird font error until I updated my load order after installing DarN.
If the player chooses the correct perks from the light and heavy armor skill trees, then their choice of apparel does not affect stamina depletion and sprinting speed will be the same as that of normal clothing. This is especially helpful for players who use heavy armor, as they will be able to sprint further and faster once these perks are taken.
This section contains bugs related to Sprinting. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:
- 360 Sometimes, while sprinting, you will continue sprinting even after you run out of sprint and take your finger off the button.
- 360 Sprinting while slowly lowering the left stick back to its original position will continue the sprinting animation and drain your fatigue, but your pace will be reduced to a snails'.
- A way to have infinite sprinting is to sprint whilst holding up a torch, and you will continue to sprint after the Stamina bar is depleted, so long as you hold the button down.
- Another way is to get the Block perk 'Shield Charge' and use the charge, but be sure to sheathe your weapons, as people hit will become hostile otherwise. Note that you must crouch while you put your shield up and charge.
- Sheathing or unsheathing weapons while sprinting will cause you to move at normal movement speed and still drain your stamina until you let go of the sprint button.
The Long Dark Sprinting Youtube
Discussions about Sprinting
The Long Dark Sprinting Song
difference between movement speeds
Sprinting glitch
4 messages- I found out. It wasn't a glitch, it was my controller. But thanks anyway :P
- I can't spring either, and my Xbox One S is brand new. I know my bumper works in other games too. So there is no sprinting then?