Eu4 Custom Map Mod
In this case, norse is the name of the culture in Crusader Kings II (cultures are defined in the common cultures folder), norse is the culture the converter will map it to in Europa Universalis IV (as it is custom it is defined in the eu4converter common cultures folder), 1 implies that it is a custom culture from the converter, and Norse is.
A Song Of Ice And Fire is an overhaul mod for Europa Universalis 4 which allows players to play in the world of Game of Thrones in the Europa Universalis 4 engine. The mod adds a unique map based on the map of Game Of Thrones, new governments, new religions, new institutions and an overhaul of the Holy Roman Empire called the Iron Throne. Jun 6, 2018 - There's a mod for Hearts of Iron IV called “Aryan Goddess,” designed. The leader of the Third Reich and includes custom tech-tree options like “Bad. Studiously arranged conceptualization of what the map might've looked.
This tutorial will go over how to add custom 3D models into Europa Universalis 4.
Big thanks to Joror for creating the JoroDox app. You can access the app through Chrome here.
Tools you need:

- Blender/Maya
- Photoshop/GIMP
- JoroDox
- Notepad++
Finding a Model
First off you’ll need to either find or create a model. In this tutorial I will be using WoWModelViewer to find a suitable model. Here is a orc I’ve found that I’d like to add into my mod:
In WoWModelViewer, I clicked on File -> Export -> OBJ. This tutorial only covers models in the .OBJ format, although it is likely applicable to a few other formats that convert to Collada (.DAE).

Exporting this model created these files:
First off open your texture files and re-save them into .DDS. Ensure you leave the .PNG files however, since you’ll need them to load the model in Blender.
I also created the normal files for each of the textures, which you can do in Photoshop with the NVIDIA Texture Tools.
Converting the Model
To prepare the model for JoroDox, you will need to convert the model into the Collada format. I’ve found Blender does this without issue, whereas Maya appears to cause an issue with the UV count.
So in Blender, go to File -> Import -> Wavefront (.obj) and select your models .OBJ file.

The model should now appear in Blender like so:
Since WoWModelViewer exports the model’s .OBJ file correctly, there is nothing I need to do to export it properly. However this is probably not the case with other formats, so good luck.
In Blender go to File -> Export -> Collada (Default) (.dae). Name the model and select an appropriate directory for it. I recommend somewhere in your mod structure so JoroDox can easily read it.
Custom Map Waw
Converting the Model, again
Now you need to convert the model into Paradox’s .MESH format. This is only possible with the JoroDox app.
Open the JoroDox app and select your mod directory. You should see something like this:
I recommend you store the textures alongside the .DAE file for easy reference. Now click Convert to PdxMesh. This will create a new model file called orc_brown.mesh in this case.
As you can see, the model does not have any textures applied to it. This is the more tedious part of the process, as you now need to assign each texture to each mesh within the model. This process takes a bit of trial and error but shouldn’t be too hard.
I also recommend you copy the from the vanilla game files (under gfx/models somewhere) and copy it next to your model. Then in JoroDox assign for every instance that calls for a specular map. This is obviously not needed if you’ve created your own specular map, but I find that an imported model will look too bright if it lacks a proper specular map.
Another thing to note is that any textures that utilise transparency should use the PdxMeshAlpha shader, not PdxMeshStandard.
Here is what the mesh part should look like after you’ve finished assigning the textures:
Save the mesh changes to the file and copy your .MESH file and the .dds files used by it into your gfx/models folder. I’d recommend creating a custom folder for this, for example in this tutorial I used gfx/models/wow/units/.
Seeing your Model ingame
You’ve now added a custom model to your mod. But you’ll need to setup a few files before it can be seen ingame.
You’ll need to create a file to assign the meshes to a mesh name. This is done in interface/assets/. I named my file wow_units.gfx. Within your file you should have something like this (modified to suit your naming scheme and the name of your files):
Warcraft 3 Custom Map Download
You’ll also need to create a file to assign the mesh names to a entity name. This is done in gfx/entities. I named my file wow_units.asset. Within your file you should have something like this (modified to suit your naming scheme and the name of your files):
I don't know any solid answers to your problem. Then I could create two power plans and switch between them (is that possible in AutoHotkey?).I have already tried sysget, MonitorCount but that does not work because the number of monitors is 1 both when I have only the external monitor and when I have only the laptop monitor. Briefly plugging the laptop in before closing it. But there are a few things you could try:. Windows 10 close laptop lid external monitor screen.
Eu4 Nudge
Now you can test your model in game by adding an entry in the ambient_objects.txt to load the model somewhere on the map. Here is what I did:
Ingame I saw this:
Hopefully this helped you import your own models.