Spore Play As An Epic

Posted on by admin

Hello fellow spore lovers. Sadly we have moved on from this game. However we have made an index of all the content on this website for your easy convenience, though mods are no longer supported by us. We now also have a Youtube channel focusing on geek parody music videos including Doctor Who, The Hobbit and Game of Thrones videos. Check out this video, and if you enjoy, please subscribe!


Welcome to Sporedum Mods, a page dedicated to mods which we here at Sporedum make for you. We are in the early stages of development, so there isn’t much here at the moment, so come back to us to see what we have added. All mods here should be compatible with other Sporedum Mods unless specified. Thanks to Void for the SporeMaster tool which we used to create all our mods.

This is probably one of the best mods ever made which allows you to play the creature game as a true “uber” epic. You can now effectively be an epic. Have fun!

Spore Become An Epic Mod

Spore rocks no ba no ba day i see today u play spore y a don't smell ya in spore u play spore i play spore what is ben 10 so i know Read More share: What is an epic creature on spore? Jan 14, 2017 - With this modification, you can play as a Rogue Creature! 1) LIBRARY (steam) Right click on Spore / Galactic Adventures Propeties. Spore is a life simulation game where you can create a single cell and then guide it through the evolutionary process over the course of thousands of years. Spore was created by Will Wright, creator of The Sims and SimCity. It was one of the first games to rely heavily on user-based content.


The largest and most popular mod for Spore. Over 5000 people have downloaded it.

Better Spore v1.3 – NEW VERSION

Spore Play As An Epic Mod

  • Info: This mod creates a better gameplay experience for spore. So far it only improves the space stage, we will be working on the creature stage next. To see the full list of features visit our thread at SporeMods.
  • Author: Ball Lightning
  • Download: SporeMods
  • Website: Sporedum
  • Version: 1.10

Galactic Freedom

  • Info: This mod is a remake of an earlier mod which gave you no limits when flying through the center of the galaxy.
  • Author: Ball Lightning
  • Download: SporeMods
  • Version: 1.00

One stop shot

  • Info: This mod is a remake of an earlier mod which allows you to buy up to 99 items from any one shop.
  • Author: Ball Lightning
  • Download: SporeMods
  • Version: 1.00

Improved Editor Complexity Mod

  • Info: This mod increases or decreases all the editor’s complexity meter. These include the cell and creature stage creature creator, the tribal accessories editor, the vehicle editor and the building editor. This is an un-tested mod so feedback would be fantastic.
  • Author: Ball Lightning
  • Download: SporeMods
  • Download: ModDb
  • Version: 1.00

Improved Intersteller Drive Mod

  • Info: This mod for spore increases the distance a advance spaceship can travel and see. This is very helpful in reaching hard places to get.
  • Author: Ball Lightning
  • Download: ModDB
  • Version: 1.00

Very Hard Difficulty Mod

  • Info: This mod increases the difficulty of many factors in the space stage of spore, to make for a more lively game.
  • Author: Ball Lightning
  • Download: SporeMods
  • Download: ModDb
  • Version: 1.00

Carry Mod

  • Info: This mod allows you to carry 9999 of any individual item at a time. *Spice at the moment does not work with this, more on this tomorrow
  • Author: Ball Lightning
  • Download: SporeMods
  • Download: ModDb
  • Version: 1.00

More T3 Planets Mod

  • Info: This mod has 5 version which increase the amount of T3 planets.
  • Author: Ball Lightning
  • Download: SporeMods
  • Download: ModDb
  • Version: 1.00

Fewer Empires Mod

  • Info: This mod decreases the amount of AI empires in the space stage by 50%. It also reduces the size of these empires by 30%.
  • Author: Ball Lightning
  • Download: MediaFile
  • Version: 1.02
Spore mods play as an epic

100 Trade Routes

  • Info: This mod allows you to have up to 100 Trade Routes
  • Author: Ball Lightning
  • Download: MediaFile
  • Version: 1.00

All Archetypes

  • Info: This mod allows you to have all the archetypes everytime you start a new game. Remember that you need to start a new game.
  • Author: Ball Lightning
  • Download: MediaFile
  • Version: 1.03
  1. I am using your 1.3 better spore and with the level 5 glide ability, my creatures are in orbit…….and i am stuck….so i think you should remove that part of the mod.

  2. It would be advisable to put a release date and spore version on each modification. This way, in case you are away or unable to, we can tell if the modification has been verified to work with x versions of spore since the release/update date.

    I’ve tried the “Nearly No Empires Mod” and within a few moments of starting the game I’ve already met 5 empires. Is this for game play (early missions from homeworld would be quite hard w/o at least a couple civs nearby) or is the modification not working properly?

  3. Very nice. I love it.

  4. If I add any of these mods, will I still be able to get achievements or will they me locked out?

  5. Improved Intersteller Drive Mod ‘s download link isn’t working.

  6. Can you actually classify what each of the “More T3 Planets” Mods do.. Cause there’s 4 of them. I would suspect that the “Ultimate” version would be, like x5?

    • If you go to the download link, there should be a more info button.

      This is copied right from the website:

      Due to popular request i have created a mod which increases the amount of T3 planets you have. Due to the fact that everyone would want something different i have created 5 version, all ranging from doubling the amount of T3 planets to making 19 in 20 planets T3 with no life. All of these files are in the same zip folder so just un-zip and choose what you want!

      More T3 Lite – increases both T2 and T3 by 100%
      More T3 x2 – Increase both T2 and T3 by a factor of 6
      More T3 x3 – Increase both T2 and T3 by a factor of 18
      More T3 x4 – Increase both T2 and T3 by a factor of 40
      More T3 Ultimate – All factors are reduced to 1 except T3 which is given a factor of 20

  7. The 100 trade routes mod is not working for me. I downloaded it and put it with the other mods(all of which work) i’ve downloaded, but it does nothing. The game still functions normally, but it still limits me to three trade routes. Any suggestions?

  8. i dont know how to move the mods to my spore directory can someone help me?

  9. The version shows what spore version it is compatible with?

  10. how do u make disclosed and uneven body parts

  11. Digi you can downlode a asimetric mod . i cant remember its fule name but this mod lets you pute say one type of arm on one side and a completly diferent one on the utherside

  12. i tried ‘All Archetypes’ mod, and i found a problem that this mod makes me have to buy the SETI tool, but it seems that no empire sells it.

    so that i cant detect another empire existence, or i can say that it’s pretty hard to find another empire without using this tool.

    i think my own empire should give this tool for free since i have to do such ‘find another empire’ mission or watever its called.correct me if im wrong.

    so, did somebody here find the same problem or have a solution?
    or is it just impossible to have SETI tool if i had all the archetype?
    please help me…

    my english sucks, i knew it. so please forgive me for that. and i hope everyone understand what i tried to tell.

    • I got the same issue as he does, no SETI tool on a new game.

      Funny enough it worked the first time but now it won’t, I know the SETI tool works, having had the mod on while going into a save that already has the SETI tool.

      If you can give me a specific point of reference I can mod it myself to where at least It’ll work for me.

      • Here, I have made a little hack which allows you to buy the SETI tool from your planets. I made it cost nothing so you don’t have to worry about losing any money.

        I tried many different ways of making it give you the SETI tool when you get the archetypes (like it was supposed to) but it all ended in failure, although I was able to customize it so you don’t get in trouble for using the “bad” archetypes, made each of em a 15 second cool down, and removed a couple i felt wasn’t even needed for me.

        So hooray 😀

        • Double Post:

          And that little hack is just the “Buy the SETI tool” hack, not my customization.

  13. Hey! So this place IS a wordpress, hmm that would explain the W and I didn’t read the very bottem yet, I can’t belive I can make my minor some 100 visited site that noone hads said ANYTHING in it except for one strange person (mabie a few more) can grow to this. Oh BTW Roe I’m gunna try out that mod.

  14. Umm yah can you guys tell me how I’m suppost to get a mod here, preferably one with mediafile when I can’t get an account?

    • Ok I was able to get an account but what do I do with them?!?
      I mean c’mon I got them in my files so whats next? How do I get them in my Spore data!?

      • Nevermind

  15. what’s the password for 99perplanet mod?

  16. hello i have tryed All Archetypes mod , but when i save and load the game all Archetypes are gone and cant use Seti tool

  17. On Windows, type in to the address bar:

    C:/Program Files/Electronic Arts/SPORE/Data

    Also, you can’t save the mod to that folder, just drag-and-drop it.

    BTW can someone tell me where to get the modmaker program?!?!

  18. Someone!! Is a no programming knowledge guide to making mods too much to ask?!?!

    PS I know some BASIC

    • I give up on modmaking, but can someone make me a mod that makes your relationship in space with others is always 100? TY

  19. i cannot get anything to work, idk how to download the mods so it can work and all i want is the improved interstellar drive so i can defeat the grox. someone walk me through this. the how to on this is not helping me

  20. Hi,
    I am interested in your mods, especially the NO GROX mod. BUT I have been exploring this site and your sister site and all I can find is broken links and 404 pages. Whats UP?


  21. Can you make me a larger epic mod? I want epics so big that they can destroy an entire tow in one stomp!! The reason I am asking is because sporemster won’t work on my computer. Please, could you do that? Thanks!

  22. Can you please make a mod so that the dreaded joker badge will give you 100 badge points cos that would be FUN

  23. Do you think you could make a mod that gives you all the weapons whe you start a new game, i fancy destroying every single planet i come accross with the WMD

    Thanks in advance

  24. How about a super flexibility, cheat type mod,(for when uve played it so much nonstop) where you can be all space traits at once, 9999 trade routs, 9999 staffs of light, unlimited power/health, so unlimited travelling distance, and 100 000 000 SB, 99 cargo spaces, 10 cities per world, and maybe some new thing like a planet creator, with a maximum of 6 planets per star????? I feel like a mod like that right now…

  25. Can you put in a mod where in creature stage, when you edit your creature, you can quickly go in the sporepeidia and click on a creature and use that one on the planet instead if having to start from creature stage and having to use evo advantage to get the creature yiuy want

  26. nice thankyou very much very easy and the mods work great

  27. I just finished a killer mod called “sporebetter.package” it has basicly every thing you could think of ” unlimited money,health, energy, tools, superweapons, dna, fligh limits, complexity limit,everything.”

    DOWNLOAD IT HERE: http://www.mediafire.com/?mz4znznadkw

  28. Most of the links are not working anymore..

  29. sporemods.org does not work for me – it says Authorization Required and I need to insert a password and username? what are they?

  30. The improved intersteller drive mod doesn’t work, can you make an update for patch 1.5 ASAP please…

  31. Are there more spore mods?

  32. Are there more sporemods?

  33. Dude, this site is amazing. I have been playing Spore for a long while…and have used TONS of mods on the likes of Oblivion and KOTOR. But never thought to look for this one.

    Kudos, guys, can’t wait to try these out. Thank you for publishing your work for the rest of us to enjoy!


  34. Hey, uh. I googled the Joked_Joker.package and couldn’t find a download. Anyone know a site where I could download it? (Link on this page does not work.)

  35. The epic mod link wont work, it keeps saying link broken. That’s the only mod I want!! AHH! Any help?

  36. Hello! This is Last, obviously! I have a serious suggestion for a mod to GA: cinematic tools! Now, I do not mean cinematics in the adventures, but tools for film-making! The machinimas of spore are quite few, and most of them suck. GAA could be a good source to make movies in, if we just applied some small things:
    *Change keys for “freecam”, so that you can move your character separately from the camera. Maybe the arrow-keys on the num-lock “square”?
    *Hide/show GUI/HUD with a key like F11 :P? It would be awesome for capturing with a better capturing-device than the in-built recorder.
    Sorry for the bad English, I’m really tired ;p

  37. i have an idea for a mod someone should make. have unlimited or a lot of allied ships, instead of only 5. another mod i thought of is being able to share star sytems with your allies. a third mod would be to have at least 10 cities on one planet instead of only 3. please make these because i have no clue how, thanks.

  38. i love spore!

  39. anybody know why i go to a page with advertisements and links to search engines? Can anybody else not go to any spore site? is this web site down. I am hear with a catch version. Please fix the problem thanks

    • The sporedum.net website is down. Instead, go to sporedum.wordpress.com to fix it.

  40. is there a mod which allows u to flap ur wings unlimted amount of times, so u can actually fly? I would love to know if there is.

  41. I think a mod should be made allowing you yo make your creatures bigger and longer in creature creator. They put a really low limit on how long you can make your creature! 😦

  42. do you have a mod that makes it a lot easier to get to the galactic core and is compatible with better spore?

  43. oh, and i cant buy ultra weapons in better spore either, do you have a fix for this or a separate mod?

  44. Sporedum.net doesnt work and Sporemods.org doesnt workt too…
    Help me anyone!!!

    • Don’t you know that both sites were closed because they failed to pay the webstie rent?
      It’s rare to find a spore modding website that is active these days.

  45. Hi i installed BetterSpore on my computer. but when i used the force save hack it came with it just gave me this random file called edit Hack and i have no idea what to do with it. please help me.

  46. i went to the How to install mods link but its not taking me anywhere, i want to get the editor complexity mod.

  47. Some of your links for spore mods are broken hommie. You still got the files? Could you re-upload them to moddb?

  48. Sporemods.org isn’t a … spore mod site anymore, more like a reference site. It contains nothing to do with spore, not even the download links take you to the download

  49. was the complexity mod work on latest update cause mine wont work

  50. Can you create mods faster charging of tool space stage

  51. This game is old but I’m still here. It’s still fun.

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